
Picture: Jonne Renvall / Tampere University


Time: 17.2.2021, 13-16
Venue: Online event


Past Events

Youth, Climate Change, and the European Court of Human Rights

Time: 27.11.2020 2PM – 5 PM
Venue:Online event

A recording of the event can be seen through this link:

Yhdessä kohti luonnonvarojen kestävää käyttöä – Ratkaisuja ilmastonmuutoksen hillintään ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden suojeluun

Venue: Finlandia-talo + online
Aika: 12.11.2020

Webinar on European youth activism: All youth want to change their Europe

Venue: online
Aika: 4.11.2020 2 PM – 5 PM

Future Now? -webinar

Paikka: Tampere
Aika: 25.9.2020

Schools meet society – Insights for updating sustainability education

Paikka: online
Aika: 11.9.2020 klo 10:00-14:00

Open seminar: Youth transitions in the Middle East and North Africa

Paikka: Linna K113, Kalevantie 5, Tampere University
Aika: Monday 17.6.2019 at 14.00–16.30

Rule of Law -conference 2019

Aika | Time: 5.2.2018
Paikka | Venue: Tampere University, Main building, Auditorium A1
Ilmoittautuminen | registration:

ALL-YOUTH MasterClass: The Future of the Council of Europe

Aika | Time: 4.2.2019
Paikka | Venue: Tampere University, Pinni A building, auditorium Paavo Koli
Ilmoittautuminen | registration:
ALL-YOUTH Masterclass Recommendations to The Finnish Government

ALL-YOUTH Conference: Finland 3.0 All youth building sustainable well-being

Time: 22.–23.11.2018
Venue: Helsingin yliopisto | University of Helsinki
Conference presentations:
Ann Phoenix, Professor, University College London, ”Understanding youth wellbeing in intersectional perspective: Finland 3.0”
Antti Kivijärvi, YTT, Youth Research Society, “New ethnicities in the making – young people and peer-relations in Finland”
Jamal Shahin, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brussel & University of Amsterdam ”Youth Participation in Internet Governance”
Leena Suurpää, VTT, docent, Director of Youth Shelters at the Finnish Red Cross, “Eriarvoistuva osallistuminen – tutkimuksen ja nuorten parissa tehtävän työn näkökulmia (in Finnish)”

13th European Forest Pedagogics Congress 2018

Time: 2.–5.10.2018
Venue: Pudasjärvi

Social Scientific Circular Bioeconomy Research Network (SOBIO): Towards socially sustainable biosociety

Time: 22.–23.10.2018
Venue: University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu

Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2018: Youth Cultures and Well-Being

Time: 5.–6.11.2018
Venue: Helsinki