Future Now? - webinar and event

The webinar will start the Future now? series of events

The ALL-YOUTH research project’s virtual “Future now?” multimedia events are played out online 25.9.–15.12.2020.
Over the course of autumn, a line of outputs based on the exploratory and experimental collaborations of the ALL-YOUTH research project will be published in the series. The aim is to make our scientific and artistic collaboration with various partners and groups of young people visible. The question of what a sustainable future means for young people is at the heart of the “Future now?” series.

Welcome to the Future Now? website: http://tulevaisuusnyt.allyouthstn.fi/

The “Future now?” Webinar, 25 September at 10:00–12:30

The webinar, held on Friday, 25 September, presents the key results of the first three-year period of the ALL-YOUTH research project (SRC 2018-2023). The webinar is part of the ALL-YOUTH virtual “Future now?” series of events.
In the webinar, ALL-YOUTH researchers discuss their key research findings on four themes:

  • a) Equality and inclusion,
  • b) Youth and climate change,
  • c) Young people’s participation possibilities and new practices of participation,
  • d) Young people’s dreams and perceptions of a sustainable future.

The webinar will be hosted by Reetta Räty, visiting Professor of practice in journalism, University of Tampere.
The webinar is free for participants, no registration. A more detailed program will be announced in the beginning of September. Welcome aboard!

Follow the pre-event information on this page and in social media.


Event Coordinator Laura Sirén


Tiina Rättilä


Miia Lähde
