Gamify your teaching with Kahoot

Kahoot is an easy game-based learning platform that integrates game elements and brings variety into the classroom. Teachers use Kahoot to create quizzes, surveys or discussion questions that students answer with their phone or tablet. The respondents can be divided into teams to foster collaboration and teamwork. They earn points for correct answers, and the faster they respond the more points they acquire. After each question, Kahoot shows a scoreboard, which increases the excitement of the game. Who wouldn’t want to win?

What do I need?

You need a Kahoot account and an idea for a game.

What do I need to do?

Create your Kahoot account at After creating your account, you will be asked whether you want the free or the paid version. The paid version includes more features. After you have selected your version, you can create your own learning game or browse the existing games. Click Create to create your own game. Give your game a name, and type your questions to the field at the top of the screen. Provide the answer choices and indicate the correct answer(s). You can also add an image to the questions as a prompt. Click Add questions to add more questions. Click Done when you are ready. Select whether your game is public or private.

Your respondents do not need a Kahoot account as they can access your game by signing in with a game PIN at  Kahoot does not store information about individual respondents but you can go over the results with your group after the game has been completed.

What should I take into account?

Kahoot has been used in the context of teaching for quite a while, so your students are most likely familiar with it. You can also use Kahoot remotely; share the PIN during a virtual lecture and start the game!

Joining Kahoot is currently free, but the paid premium version offers some extra features and tools. At least for the moment, students are not required to register. As the service is offered by a third party, the features relating to free content may change over time. Do not share sensitive data but only data that you do not mind losing or becoming public knowledge. Please be aware that you must always read the terms of use before using the services and that you are responsible for all activities that occur under your user account. You should especially consider whether users are required to register or disclose their personal data. You must also adhere to your own organisation’s regulations for the use of cloud-based services.

Read more:

If Kahoot is old news, you can try Quizlet or Quizizz!

Kahoot has an official YouTube channel. Take a look at the videos to learn more about the things you can do with Kahoot.