Smart traffic

The importance of intelligent traffic solutions is increasing when building inclusive, flexible and constantly developing urban environments

The goals of Finland and the EU to reduce the environmental impact of traffic, especially greenhouse gas emissions, and to use energy efficiently have an impact especially when developing traffic solutions for cities and their surrounding areas. Digitization opens up many possibilities for this development work. Different standards are an important part of this work.

  • Mobility solutions in cities are changing rapidly, and especially in public transport, the “last kilometer” poses challenges
  • Collecting existing and necessary data creates challenges, but also offers opportunities when developing a traffic solution
  • How to use planning, simulation, xR and IoT solutions agilely and flexibly and with digitization methods to model, demonstrate and visualize urban environments and their human, goods and data flows and the operation of various mobile devices (e-Mobility). The environments use existing map and planning data as well as open real-time or other data from various systems. Modern tools offer opportunities to flexibly model devices and to utilize existing models of machines and devices obtained from e.g. design programs.

TAMK eMobilityLab works as a partner in this development work. We are involved in the industry’s national and international networks. TAMK has wide-ranging expertise in producing business-oriented solutions to enable smart, smooth, sustainable and safe transportation and in training automotive engineers.