Education network on automated and connected transport for sustainable cities (ENACT) was established as a result of joint project by several Finnish universities. The project, during which ENACT was established, was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1.12.2020-31.7.2023.
The aim of the ENACT project was to launch a new network of higher education institutions implementing educational cooperation. The network would jointly offer a new, research-based study module that meets the needs of working life. As a result, the 30-credit study module provides a comprehensive understanding of the technological, ethical and legal challenges of automated vehicles and transport, the needs of automation in vehicle and transport system design as well as the related business opportunities.
During the ENACT project, the members of the network presented their own research and education related to automated transport, as well as the teaching that could be integrated into the education offered by the network. To identify educational needs and learning outcomes, more than 30 experts were interviewed, representing a wide range of actors including transport planners from cities, consultants, public transport authorities, automated transport operators, representatives of the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Finland and research organizations. Based on these, the learning outcomes as well as the scope, contents and implementation methods of the network’s teaching offerings were prepared. Thereafter, the practical implementation and organization of the education within the network were planned and study materials for the courses were prepared.
The institutions involved – Tampere University, Aalto University, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT, University of Lapland, University of Turku, University of Vaasa and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences – signed an education network agreement related to ENACT in January 2024. Through this agreement, the partners confirmed their commitment to the implementation of the ENACT courses.
Launch of the study module in academic year 2023-2024
The ENACT study module and the five ENACT courses were launched in the academic year 2023-2024. The courses are organized annually through cooperation between the ENACT partner institutions. Through the courses and the study module, the aim is to give the student a holistic understanding of automated transport systems.
Each course is organized by a different university but coordinated to enable students to complete all of them within one academic year. The courses can be studied online. Read more about the courses here.
Coordination of the ENACT network
ENACT is coordinated by an advisory group, which consists of one member and one vice member from each partner institution. The advisory group is responsible for the practicalities, conducting discussions about the contents of the study material, making decisions on updates related to the courses offered, and approving new partners. The advisory group meets at least twice a year or as needed.
The chair of the group is Tampere University. The members of the advisory group are presented below.
University | Advisory group member (and vice member) |
Tampere University | Heikki Liimatainen |
Aalto University | Jouni Ojala, Milos Mladenovic |
Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT | Adam Klowdowski, Aki Mikkola |
University of Lapland | Ballardini Rosa, Emmanuel Salami |
University of Turku | Jouni Isoaho |
University of Vaasa | Ari Huuhka, Tomi Salo |
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences | Oscar Nissin |