Learning outcomes:
- Analyze the automated transport business models using general business model frameworks
- Analyze the connections of automated transport business models as a part of transforming transport system
- Understand the principles of customer value creation in the context of automated service
- Identify the effects of automation on the cost structure and public transport service
- Understand the business development potential and entrepreneurial possibilities and process
Course Level: Advanced
Pre-requisites: Recommended (but not required) completion of the preceding three ENACT courses
- Introduction to Automated Transport Systems, 5 ECTS
- Hardware and Software of Automated Vehicles, 5 ECTS
- Law and Ethics of Smart and Green Transport Systems, 5 ECTS
Scope: 5 ECTS
Language: English
Assessment methods:
- Individual assignments
- Group assignments
Study methods:
- Online studies
- Lectures
- Group workshops
Learning material: Reading package provided by the lecturers
Next implementation: Spring 2025
Further information: https://opas.peppi.uwasa.fi/en/course/MARK3070/9689?period=2024-2025
Organising university: University of Vaasa (course code MARK3070)
Students outside University of Vaasa need to apply for JOO study right: https://www.uwasa.fi/fi/koulutus/joo-opinnot