Call for applications

Call for applications 2025-2026

The application period is November 1st – December 16th 2024
for the programme beginning August 2025. 

Please read the Call for applications carefully before completing the application form (The web page for application period on 2024, will be updated by the end of August. The application form, on the web page, will be activated on November 1tst, 2024 at 8.00 am). Submit your application by 15.00 (CMT +2) on December 16, 2024).

The International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology and Public Health (IPPE), Health Sciences Unit, Faculty of Social Sciences, Tampere University, Finland, is a doctoral training program for highly qualified epidemiologists, researchers, and public health personnel worldwide who are aiming at a PhD degree in epidemiology or related public health sciences.

The Health Sciences Unit is one of the leading research institutions at Tampere University and widely recognized internationally. Offered degree programmes include bachelor, master and doctoral levels. Doctoral training has a strong emphasis on training in research methods. The IPPE programme faculty participate in several international collaborative research projects. Our teaching and research in public health is multidisciplinary, and includes the fields of biostatistics, epidemiology, gerontology, global health, health care management, health economics, health services research, health sociology, nursing science, health promotion, social and health policy, and social psychiatry. The Unit also hosts the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on Health in All Policies and the Social Determinants of Health.

Programme goals

 The main objectives of the IPPE Programme are to increase knowledge and understanding of major public health problems, particularly in low-and middle-income countries, and to build sustainable public health capacity in these countries by collaborating with global partners in the field. The Programme trains epidemiologists and public health personnel for leadership positions in research, administration, program planning and policy development.

Programme content

The IPPE Programme includes intensive theoretical and practical training in epidemiology and biostatistics, courses in other public health sciences, research seminars and individual supervision. Although the core method courses are required, the students are given considerable latitude in selecting optional courses and the programme may be tailored to meet individual learning and professional goals. Please see previous course descriptions.

The selected PhD candidates will spend the 2025 to 2026 academic year (from August 2025 to May 2026) in Tampere, Finland to complete the required coursework and to prepare a comprehensive research plan for their PhD thesis. The bulk of field research, data analysis and reporting, however, is generally conducted after completion of coursework either in Finland or abroad during three to four additional years. The doctoral dissertation consists of at least three original scientific papers published in international, peer-reviewed journals and a thesis synthesizing the research findings. After successful public examination and defense of the dissertation, a doctoral degree (PhD) in epidemiology or related public health discipline is awarded.

Research fields

Our faculty’s research interests include:

(Subject matter areas: epidemiology of infectious diseases, evaluation of vaccination programmes, nutritional epidemiology, non-communicable diseases, epidemiology and prevention of cancer)
Global Health
Health and Social Policy
Health promotion

Selection criteria

We select our doctoral students based on their merits in past education and work experience in the field of epidemiology or other public health sciences, their language skills and scientific writing ability. Strong applicants already work in a public health research institution, have a research project which can be used as material for PhD thesis, or have an available dataset and a feasible research plan.

Applicants should submit a preliminary research plan as part of their application. Research plans are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Public health relevance/significance of the topic
  • Background and rationale for the proposed study
  • Appropriateness of methods (in relation to study objectives)
  • Feasibility of implementation (study materials and subjects, methods, timeline, available infrastructure, collaborators)
  • Overall quality and clarity of the research plan (appropriate theoretical background, concepts, structure, style)



A PhD degree consists of 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credit points. In the IPPE Programme, coursework accounts for 60 ECTS and dissertation for 180 ECTS.


A master’s degree (at least 4 years of study) in a relevant health related field, such as public health, epidemiology or biostatistics, or a medical degree from an accredited university. Basic knowledge of epidemiology and proof of proficiency in English are required. More details: Language requirements.

Duration of studies

 The duration of the coursework curriculum is one academic year (August 2025 to May 2026).  Participation in the program requires a 10-month residency in Tampere, Finland. Full-time study aims to obtain the doctoral degree in a total of 4 years.

Tuition, accommodation, living and travel costs

Currently, Tampere University charges no tuition or course fees for doctoral students accepted in the IPPE Programme.

Students should be able to cover their travel, accommodation and living costs while in Finland. The Finnish immigration service requires that doctoral students have at least EUR 1 000 per month at their disposal to pay for accommodation, food and other living expenses. Therefore, a minimum of EUR 10 000 is required to study in Finland for one academic year.

The IPPE -programme does not provide personal or project funding, and acceptance to the IPPE -programme does not guarantee financial aid.

Prospective students are encouraged to apply for external funding before joining the programme. For students selected in the Programme there are opportunities to apply for competitive research grants from external funding sources in Finland.


Application period for the Academic year 2025 – 2026 is from November 1st – December 16th, 2024.

Applicants who qualify for the second stage of the selection process are invited to video interviews which are held from February 7 to 20, 2025.

Application information and form

Please submit all your application documents through the online application system (The web page for application period on 2024, will be updated by the end of August. The application form, on the right side of the web page, will be activated on November 1st, 2024 at 8.00). Submit your application by 15.00 (CMT +2) on December 16th, 2024, with ALL of the following attachments.

  1. Curriculum vitae (max. 5 pages)
    Please use the Europass format in English

    • the list of publications should be organized as follows: international peer-reviewed publications, other publications
    • include a list of completed epidemiology courses (level, number of credits)
  2.  Motivation Letter (max. 1 page)
    The motivation letter describes your personal goals for PhD studies. It should address the following:

    • Why do you want to pursue doctoral studies in the IPPE Programme?
    • How will PhD studies complement your previous education and professional experience?
    • What new skills and opportunities are you looking for in the IPPE Programme?
    • How do you plan to use the experience gained in IPPE training after completing the PhD degree?
    • What are your future career goals?
  3. Research plan (Please see detailed guidelines, max. 6 pages excluding the summary, but including the references)
  4. Description of available funding and other potential support for studies
    Please describe how you plan to

    • Pay for your living costs in Finland from August 2025 to May 2026
      (The Finnish immigration service income requirement is
      1 000€/ month for doctoral researchers to obtain a residence permit to Finland)
    • Fund your research project (e.g. data collection, your salary/income during the thesis work).

    Please include documentation of grant awards for the planned PhD project,
    if appropriate.

  5. Officially certified educational documents (university level degree certificate(s) and official transcript(s) of records)
    In addition to uploading electronic copies of your educational documents to your application, you must submit officially authenticated copies of your educational documents of your educational documents, if you have not completed your previous degrees in a Finnish university. If the documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, both the authenticated copies of the documents in their original language and an officially confirmed, complete and precise translation into one of the languages mentioned above are required.

    In addition to the standard document requirements, educational documents issued in certain countries have more specific requirements for submission. Please go through the requirements carefully and check the country- specific requirements your degree awarding country before applying. Please send your educational documents to Tampere University Admissions Office.Please make sure that the officially certified copies of your educational documents arrive at Tampere University by 3 January 2025!!
  6. Certificate of proficiency in English
    For this requirement, no exceptions will be granted. There are two ways of indicating your English language proficiency;

    a) Previous studies
    Completed higher education degree taught in English in a university in Finland or another EU/ EEA country, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, or the United States. NoteEven if you have a Master’s degree in English from another country than listed above, you will have to provide language test results. If you apply without a valid language test result, carefully examine the exemptions that your studies fulfil the requirements. country-specific requirements.

    b) Language tests

    • TOEFL iBT / TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition
      Minimum test result: 92 overall with no section below 20
    • IELTS (Academic) / IELTS Indicator
      Minimum test result: 6.5 overall with no section below 5.5
    • PTE (Academic)
      Minimum test result: 62 overall with no section below 54
    • Cambridge C1 Advanced
      Minimum test result: C
    • Cambridge C2 Proficiency
      Minimum test result: C1
    • National Certificate of Language Proficiency (English)
      Minimum test result: Proficiency level 5


    Tampere University will verify all language test results online.
    Please note that the language test score must be valid on the day the applicant submits the application and cannot be more than 2 years old.

  7. Copy of your passport

In addition, on the online application form you will be asked to provide names, titles, affiliations and e-mail addresses (use organizational email addresses) of up to three (3) persons who will provide a letter of recommendation.

Applications must follow the above guidelines or they will not be considered.
Additional documents are not considered.
Letters of recommendation are requested directly by the IPPE programme.

Contact information

Coordinator: Ms. Tiina Kangasluoma
Programme e-mail

Visit IPPE on the web

Programme Director: Pekka Nuorti MD, PhD, Professor of epidemiology