Seminar in Geotechnical Engineering

Rakennetun ympäristön tiedekunta järjestää iltapäiväseminaariin, jossa käsitellään kasvavaa tietomäärää, jota kohtaamme geotekniikassa. Pääpuhuja on professori Kok-Kwang Phoon NUS: stä, joka on maailman johtava asiantuntija tästä aiheesta.

The seminar will take place on Thursday 31st of October at 14.15 in lecture hall RG202 in the faculty of Built Environment.

The program for the seminar is the following:

Professor Kok-Kwang Phoon will have an 1 hour keynote lecture with the topic

Big Ugly Data in Geotechnics or BUG

Afterwards we will have about 20 minute’s lectures as follows;

SHANSEP based transformation models Marco D’Ignazio NGI/Ramboll/TAU
Reliability of CPTU Mika Knuuti/Juha Selänpää TAU
CPTU based transformation models Bruno D’Buo/Tim Länsivaara TAU
Influence of Data coherence on transfor-mation models Mohammad Farhadi TAU

Coffee will be served before the seminar. Kindly confirm your participation to by 30 October.


seminar-in-geotechnics-1 – tim lansivaara
Tim Länsivaara

More information: Tim Länsivaara,