Topic: Gamification
Candidate 1:
Technically experienced summer intern(s) are sought to develop an online interface or an app for experimental use in gamification research. The exact design will be agreed on between the intern(s) and the research team from the Gamification Group. The ideal intern(s) possess the needed technical and design skills to carry out the technical work using the programing and design tools they prefer. The ideal candidate would be interested in continuing on this work towards their bachelor and possibly masters or PhD degrees under the supervision of the group in the future.
The tool to be developed as part of the intern’s work should allow users to create and customize an avatar for themselves. The users are next guide through a series of online (and offline) tasks using a story and graphical interfaces. The tool should also include functionalities for ranking users according to their performance in the missions (leaderboards). The tool should finally allow for conducting a short survey of the users on their experience. Optionally, the tool may include additional features such as for social interaction, location tagging or AR.
Candidate 2:
Intern needed to help in running experiments including VR and AR technologies in shopping experience.
More information: Prof. Juho Hamari juho.hamari (at)
Topic: Mixed-reality applications
Summer intern(s) are sought to design and develop mixed-reality applications. Available hardware includes Meta2, Magic Leap One and Varjo headset. Together with the intern(s) we will choose the hardware that best fits in the planned use case. The ideal intern(s) have strong programming skills, some exposure to AR/VR/MR development (UNITY) and interest in creating novel interactive systems. It is possible to write an M.Sc. thesis based on this summer project.
The exact definition of the systems developed will depend on the ideas the candidates have, needs of our present research projects, and interests to explore AR/MR interaction. In addition to skills listed above, other relevant background is considered as a merit, such as experience in computer graphics, pattern recognition, signal processing, interactive software architectures or interaction technologies. These are not a requirement but may strengthen the position of a candidate and direct the selection of the topic.
More information: Prof. Roope Raisamo roope.raisamo (at)
Topic: Interaction in the context of autonomous vehicles
Summer intern(s) are sought to design and develop interactive multimodal systems aimed to support incar interaction in a vehicle that is semi-autonomous (Level 3-4) . Together with the intern(s) we will choose the hardware and software technologies that best fit in the planned use case. The ideal intern(s) have strong programming skills and interest in creating novel interactive systems. It is possible to write an M.Sc. thesis based on this summer project.
The exact definition of the systems developed will depend on the ideas the candidates have, needs of our present research projects, and interests to explore in-car interaction. In addition to skills listed above, other relevant background is considered as a merit, such as experience in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, pattern recognition, signal processing, interactive software architectures or interaction technologies. These are not a requirement but may strengthen the position of a candidate
and direct the selection of the topic.
More information: Prof. Roope Raisamo roope.raisamo (at)
Topic: Technology for mathematics teaching (1-2 positions; Finnish req’d)
Teknologialla tuetun matematiikan opetuksen tutkimuksen ryhmä etsii kolmea kesätyöntekijää opetuksen kehittämishankkeisiin. Työtehtävät määräytyvät hakijan mielenkiinnon ja vahvuusalueiden mukaan. Työtehtäviin voi kuulua älykkäiden oppimisympäristöjen kehittämistä, lukiomateriaalin laatimista, automaattisesti arvioitavien tehtävien laatimista (esim. STACK-tehtävät), opetusmenetelmien (flipped classroom, blended learning) kehittämistä ja tutkimusta. Tehtävien menestyksekäs tekeminen edellyttää vahvaa matemaattista osaamista (vähintään 35 op verran yliopistomatematiikan opintoja), pedagogista osaamista (pedagogiset opinnot katsotaan eduksi) ja tietoteknisiä valmiuksia. Työtehtävät tukevat hyvin
diplomityön tekemistä.
Lisätietoa: Simo Ali-Löytty, Terhi Kaarakka ja Riikka Kangaslampi. simo.ali-loytty(at)
Topic: “RORPack Python Library for Mathematical Control Theory”
Mathematical systems theory studies the behaviour and properties of dynamical models that are described by ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as other models with dynamical behaviour. Such dynamical systems arise from modelling phenomena that are encountered in engineering applications and in the nature. Mathematical control theory develops methods for influencing the behaviour of dynamical systems, and it is used especially in (1) Trajectory control for unmanned vehicles, such as quadrocopters (2) Automatic control of driverless cars (3) Rejection of disturbances in industrial processes and acoustics (4) Removal of unwanted vibrations in buildings and in machinery.
The Systems Theory Research Group ( at the ITC Faculty offers a summer internship position in development of a Python library “Robust Output Regulation Package” (RORPack) available at The RORPack library provides tools for controller design and simulation of mathematical control systems described by Partial Differential Equations, especially diffusion processes, vibrating structures, and fluid flows. The main tasks in the internship will be decided based on the applicant’s background in mathematics and software development, but the range of possibilities includes projects that are well suited for candidates with either theoretic or applied interests. In addition, the tasks may include designing real-time control solutions and construction of experimental setups. The course MAT-60150 Differentiaaliyhtälöt (or MAT- 60150 Differential Equations) is required as a prequisite. Based on the applicant’s situation, it is also possible to complete a master’s thesis in mathematics based on the summer project.
More information: Asst. Prof. Lassi Paunonen lasse.paunonen(at)