
A young girl wearing a pink scarf smiling in a cafe room.

Global education, international growth and increased mobility

For global education, cooperation with Chile continued in 2023 with teacher education in focus. For paper technology, the long-standing cooperation with Qilu, China, was structured into a business-based double degree. The Changshu Institute of Technology also joined in on this double degree. The Circular Economy and International Business & Risk Management degree programmes also saw their start in 2023.

The number of applicants for TAMK’s degree-awarding education in English nearly doubled in the spring 2023, again seeing a record growth of 92% from the year before. In 2023, engagement of international students in the TAMK community was improved with, for instance, launching online materials that support orientation in Moodle and implementing the Goin’ app where new students can network before their arrival.

It is the perfect idea, I was kind of worried that I wouldn’t be able to meet people before I moved there. – Zsombor Tibay, Hungary, International Business degree programme

The UAS Exam remote entrance exam for English degrees was developed for the remote exam piloted in autumn 2023. Applicant counselling was solidified for future applicants in particular, because in 2024 the UAS Exam entrance exam requires participants to pass a standardised international language exam. The number of international students increases steadily at TAMK, already standing at just over a thousand in 2023.

The international ‘Eye on TAMK 2023’ week was organised in March. The theme of the week, (Re)connecting Professional Networks, invited participants to strengthen the existing international networks as well as build entirely new networks following COVID-19. In addition to teaching and administrative staff, the international week was aimed at educational management and decision-makers. With an impressive 500 participants, the week’s programme consisted of a seminar, dozens of lectures and workshops across various fields, school visits, quick networking and a poster show. The programme included a healthy dose of socialising, from sauna to a tour of the city of Tampere. The government was represented in the event by minister Pekka Haavisto.

At TAMK, Talent Boost continued under four work packages. The most important measures in 2023 included:

  1. International appeal of TAMK: We increased the visibility of TAMK’s international degree programmes in communications channels and international expos. We increased the number of applicants for our international degree programmes, with 1,042 international students studying at TAMK in 2023.
  2. Study and integration support for international students:  We built an Online Orientation course in Moodle where international students are logged in before they arrive in Finland. The course provides support and information about TAMK and the Finnish society.
  3. Language and cultural competence: An S2 counsellor who guides international students on their S2 language path started their work at TAMK. With the language path, students can achieve B1 language level during their studies.
  4. Working life cooperation: Cooperation with the Tampere Chamber of Commerce continued and picked up steam. In 2023, a total of 152 international students got to visit businesses. These visits produced work placements, thesis opportunities and various projects.

After the challenging COVID-19 pandemic era, personnel mobility got back on track again while the UNINOVIS project promoted cooperation between European higher education institutes. New international coordinators were selected in late 2023, and then the new and previously selected international coordinators worked on development ideas for 2024. This lead to, for instance, the formation of operative and strategic international teams.

Since 2023, TAMK has had the opportunity to use BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) courses for short-term mobility. BIP courses are funded by EU’s Erasmus+ mobility programmes. A BIP course provides a more flexible form of mobility for both students and personnel. Three credits is a minimum requirement for organising a course, and it involves both remote and live learning (with a typical duration of one week). Bringing added value to a school’s existing courses is a prerequisite for a BIP course. Three institutes of higher learning from three different Erasmus+ countries take part in organising a BIP course, enabling TAMK to both organise courses and participate in partner-organised courses. Between 2023 and spring 2024, TAMK organises a total of 9 BIP courses with wide participation from across Europe (an average of 15 to 20 international participants per course). Additionally, TAMK’s teachers and students have participated in several partner-coordinated BIP courses across Europe.

Explore internationality key figures.

Hannu Koponen, Business Operations Manager
Piri Hiltunen, Marketing Manager, Student Recruitment
Kirsi Jokipakka, Head of Education and Learning Services
Päivi Vartiainen, Senior Expert, Education and Learning Services
Krista Merikoski, International Planning Officer
Eeva Heikkilä, Project Coordinator

Editors: TAMK Communications
Image: Konsta Leppänen