Continuous learning key figures

Credits earned at open university of applied sciences

Credits earned at open university of applied sciences.
Source: Peppi

The popularity of TAMK’s open university of applied sciences has gradually rebounded from the decline of the coronavirus pandemic years. Total credits earned amounted to just under 22,000, with approximately 19,000 the previous year. Path study students account for about half of all the open university of applied sciences credits. In 2023, a total of 3,626 students studied at the open UAS, considerably more than in previous years (2,100 to 2,500).

In addition to open UAS studies, TAMK’s continuous learning services include specialisation studies, continuing education, tailored training for companies and various communities as well as education export. In 2023, TAMK had 104 specialisation studies students and approximately 2,060 students who participated in continuing education.

Fee-paying domestic education and services

Fee-paying domestic education and services.

The sales of domestic education and services slumped again in 2023, totalling 2.5 M€.  In international education, we saw further growth in both education export and in tuition fee-based degree-awarding education. Internationality figures are described in more detail on the Internationality key figures page.