New students
Number of students
In 2023, undergraduate students completed almost 15,000 credits more than in 2022 which is partly due to the growth in student numbers.
TAMK aims to increase internationality in all its operations. This is evident, among other things, in the annually growing number of international students. In 2023, 1,042 international students attended TAMK.
More than 71% of UAS degree students completed their studies in target time. Smooth progress in studies and completing them in target time is important for both students and the needs of working life. In 2023, TAMK reached (and exceeded) the degree goals set together with the Ministry of Education and Culture for professional teacher education and master’s degrees. The number of bachelor’s degrees also increased.
Gaining employment
Five years after graduation, 87% of career monitoring survey respondents feel that they can apply the competence gained at TAMK in their current job.
5% of respondents are working as entrepreneurs.