An exceptional year improved TAMK’s financial result, even though the costs of primary activities increased from previous years. In 2023, the result from primary activities was better than what was budgeted, as the surplus totalled +6.1 million euros, while the goal was +1.6 million. Turnover increased by approximately 3 million euros compared to the previous year. Of this, the share of government aids totalled 2.6 million euros. External funding grew by 0.4 million euros compared to the previous year. This was mostly due to tuition fee income. The share of external RDI funding remained at previous year’s level. Of the externally funded projects, 43% were projects financed with structural funds (ESF and ERDF). Business increased by approximately 3 percent compared to the previous year, even though we discontinued the tailored international degree-awarding education.
Investment funding was used for developing learning environments of the schools and for machinery and equipment procurement. In campus development, we completed the major renovation of the C building as well as the new serving line for the B0 food court.
In investments, the value of the investment portfolio of the Tampere University Foundation grew to 1.6 M€ (10.3%) and the value of EQ property funds declined by –0.3M€ (–17.23%).