Expanding the sustainability handprint
TAMK is an active promoter of sustainability and social responsibility, and driving these themes is a goal shared by everyone at TAMK. In 2023, we took a major leap forward as the sustainability and social responsibility working group was upgraded to include all TAMK’s functions (Education, RDI (research, development and innovation), Quality, Communications, Education and Learning Services, HR, Facilities Management, Financial Services). The group also includes a student representative appointed by the students’ union Tamko. This structure enables an internal, collaborative development of sustainability and social responsibility as part of the development of all TAMK’s processes.
In 2023, our efforts focused on developing personnel sustainability competence by integrating it into HR processes. Results of these efforts manifest in performance reviews and the personnel survey and help highlight sustainability and social responsibility themes in the 2024 personnel training.
TAMK’s sustainability handprint is borne through education and RDI work. Education handprint was strengthened in 2023 through ongoing curricula design processes. The feasibility of linking RDI activities with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals was assessed in spring 2023. In 2022–2023, the majority of TAMK’s projects promoted Quality education (SDG 4, example: EduSTA), Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8, example: Myrsky) as well as Industry, innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9, example: SUSTAFIT). Additionally, several projects promoted Good health and well-being (SDG 3, example: Aivorauhasta hyvinvointia), Reduced inequalities (SDG 10, example: Vanuva), Responsible consumption (SDG 12, example: RUOKO), Climate action (SDG 13, example: FUSILLI) or Partnerships for the goals (SDG 17, example: HEP-TED).
With its projects and fee-paying programmes, TAMK contributes to global sustainability. On the other hand, RDI activities can strengthen TAMK’s educational sustainability handprint. For instance, the EduSTA project develops sustainability competence badges for teachers which are also used to support the sustainability competence of TAMK’s personnel. Thus, they consequently strengthen the education’s sustainability handprint.
Various networks and partnerships are important in promoting sustainability and social responsibility. TAMK has been actively involved in Arene’s sustainability and social responsibility working group, and its sustainable education subgroup in particular. A joint effort by eleven universities of applied sciences, Kestävän ammattikorkeakoulutuksen käsikirja (A Handbook for Sustainable UAS education), co-edited by Eveliina Asikainen of TAMK’s School of Professional Teacher Education, was published in June 2023. Arene’s sustainability and responsibility work has also provided tools for developing TAMK’s sustainability and social responsibility work, including sustainability maturity level descriptions for universities of applied sciences. TAMK conducts and develops carbon footprint calculations together with the Tampere University. As shown by the 2022 carbon footprint published in October 2023, the carbon footprint of various services and procurements play a particularly prominent role.
The principles of good governance prepared in 2023 and published in 2024 provide a good foundation for developing sustainability and social responsibility as part of TAMK’s overall operations.
Text: Eveliina Asikainen, Senior Lecturer, Pedagogical Innovations and Culture
Editors: TAMK Communications
Image: Konsta Leppänen