Content page elements

Each page contains a lead. The lead text will show up also in search engines and social media sharing.

At the top of the page, you can use

  • text, subheadings and links
  • images and
  • embedded video.

At the end of the page, you can use

  • liftup elements and
  • people listings, with profile cards imported from main site.


Use images with caution. Pay attention to accessibility:

  • Is the image content clearly visible also on a mobile device or in less optimal conditions?
  • Is the image content easy to understand?
  • Is the image contet available for people using screen readers, either in the ALT text or later on the page?

Do not use decorative images where they add no value. They add scrolling work for mobile users, and they make your page load slower, which in turn will decrease search engine visibility.

Image sizes

The optimal image is landscape with 3:2 ratio. The recommended image size is 900 x 600 pixels.

You can use three different sizing options for your image:

Thumbnail image150 x 150 pixels.
Medium size image 320 x 226 pixels.
Full size image.

Embedded video

You can embed video from YouTube or Panopto. The video will be visible for users who have given consent for cookies.

Use embedded video with caution, and consider using a link to a playlist instead of embedding several videos.

Please remember that the video must have subtitles! The subtitles must be provided in the language used in the video.

Play video on YouTube (opens in new tab)

Liftup element

Text liftup

Liftups can include text, images or links. The liftups can have 1 to 3 columns, and there are five different background colour options.

On a simple content page, the liftups can be added at the end of the page only. On a flexible page, liftups and plain text can be used in free order.

Accent colour liftup

Use the background colour with caution, and only to accent the most important content.

You can use as many sections of liftups as you need. The amount of columns can be different in each liftup.

Example of people listing: Website builder team

Marika Vapaala-Riikonen

More information

Riikka Venetjoki

More information

Mika Puonti

  • Senior Web Communications Specialist
  • Communications and Marketing
  • Tampere University
  • +358408490507

Hanna Ylli

  • Communications Specialist
  • Communications and Societal Impact
  • Tampere University of Applied Sciences
  • +358504777360