Flexible page elements

On a flexible content page, you can use the elements in any order you want. Among other things, you can choose text content, liftups, table, RSS feed and people list.

Liftup element with three columns

Liftup element

The liftup element is the same that is also used on the regular content page.

Liftup element with two columns

Collection example

This is an example of how you can create a collection of elements using four liftups with two columns.

Mobile view

Please note that mobile view stacks elements vertically, so this has to be taken into account when designing the content.


Use tables wisely and remember mobile users.

You can create a table in the dashboard view or import a ready-made table file to the site.

Title aTitle b
Row 1Cell 1aCell 1b
Row 2Cell 2aCell 2b
Row 3Cell 3aCell 3b


This element allows you to display an RSS feed from another site, for example a blog. The appearance of the input is in a specified format.

People list

Marika Vapaala-Riikonen

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Riikka Venetjoki

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