Free images for your materials

You have a piece of writing but now you need images to illustrate and enrich your text. Because of copyright restrictions, you cannot just copy any old image that you come across online. Luckily, there is a large variety of suppliers that provide stock photos licensed under CC0. A CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license means that the photographer has relinquished all copyright and other rights to his or her content. You may have already heard about  Pixabay (if not, read this tip), but there are other photo libraries, too. So roll up your sleeves and start hunting for photos that meet your needs.

What do I need?

You need a presentation or materials that lack visual content.

What do I need to do?

Pexels is one photo library that has received positive feedback from our users. Go to, and find the photo or video you need. You can also select a category to narrow down your search. The License page on the Pexels website very clearly describes what is allowed and what is not. When you are searching for photos, Pexels will also search Pixabay’s database for photos that match your search term, so you may run into the same photos in both libraries.

Pixabay and Pexels are international stock content sites, but now there is also a Finnish photo library available that offers stock photos focusing on Finland. If you need photos about Finland, go to Have you noticed that Tampere Universities maintains a media bank (read more about the media bank and sign in). The media bank contains images that are suitable for brochures, PowerPoint presentations and our websites. Access to the media bank is limited to the members of the Tampere Universities community, so you will need to sign in with your TUNI username and password through Haka login.

What should I take into account?

Pexels also allows you to filter your search results, for example, by colour, orientation and size. Enjoy browsing photos!

Read more:

You can create presentations, for example, with PowerPoin or Sway.