Moodle Q&A

This Q&A page offers you answers to common questions about the digital environments and tools maintained by Tampere Universities. Click on the links to read more.

What do I need?

TUNI Moodle is available at:

Sign in either with your TUNI username and password, through Haka login with the username and password of another higher education institution, or with a separate Moodle username and password.

What do I need to do?

Click Instructions and support on the TUNI Moodle main page to find the user instructions.

Questions about Moodle:

How can I upload videos on Moodle? My file is too large for Moodle. What should I do? How can students share large files with me?

Moodle has a file size limit of 100 MB. Large files, such as video files, exceed this limit. You must publish them in a different channel and then add a link to the videos to Moodle.

  • You can add link to file in OneDrive files
  • You can publish video/audio files in Panopto and create a Panopto course video folder in Moodle. See instructions (intra)

How can I add links to Moodle?

Moodle includes a URL tool for adding links to your course page. Follow these steps: Turn editing on, click the Add an activity or resource link on the course page and select URL from the list. Give your URL a name and type the URL into the field provided.

You can also share links on the Moodle discussion forum or include them in the assignment instructions.

How can I create exams in Moodle? What do I need to take into account?

This tip offers you instructions for using the Moodle quiz tool and creating the most common types of tests and exams.

Remember to consider the following:

  • Number of respondents:Moodle becomes overloaded if hundreds of exam takers are completing an exam at the same time. In this case, you should use O365 Forms or create an exam that students can take at different times.
  • Will the exam take place at the same time or at different times? Will students answer the same set of exam questions or questions randomly drawn from a question bank?:Moodle can draw the exam questions from a question bank, meaning that each exam taker answers a random set of questions. If possible, you should devise your exam as an essay-type exam or an open-book exam, so students can take the exam at different times and unsupervised.
  • Question types: Automatically marked multiple-choice questions or essays?:Consider the number of respondents and the marking workload. Moodle enables you to create exams that are automatically marked (multiple-choice, yes/no statements, short answers).

How do I set up a course area in TUNI Moodle? 

You generally request a course area through the student information system (Sisu, Peppi). If you use this option to set up your course area, all students who enrol on your course will automatically join the course area. All staff members are also able to set up new course areas in Moodle by themselves, but then students will not be automatically added to the course area but must be manually selected or invited to sign up with an enrolment key.

Read more about the different options

Can I copy course materials from one course area to another? Can I copy the course structure from an existing course page to another?

You can use the Import function to copy course materials from an existing course area to a blank new area. All the files and other resources will be copied but not the users or their activities (such as discussions and returned assignments).

Read more about the Import function.

What should I take into account?

If you have problems with your work or studies, do not know which system to use for a specific purpose, or your chosen app is difficult to use, you can always ask help from a colleague, a digimentor and the IT Helpdesk ( / Do not hesitate to ask for help!

Read more:

MoodleOpet is a dedicated user support page where you can find, for example, an introduction to the tools included in Moodle.

Click Instructions and support on the Moodle main page for more instructions.

With problems, please email