Use the Panopto block to add videos to a Moodle course page

Moodle has file size limits that prevent users from adding large video files directly to a Moodle page.  This means you must publish videos elsewhere and add a link to the videos to Moodle. The Panopto video service enables you to easily link videos to a course page in Moodle. Students will be able to access the videos stored in the Panopto course folder by clicking a link in Moodle. Access to the videos is restricted to the members of the Moodle course page.

Read this tip to learn how to make your lecture recordings and other video materials available to students through Moodle.

What do I need?

Panopto and TUNI Moodle are both available free of charge to to users with a TUNI username and password.

What do I need to do?

To embed a video in Moodle, you need to set up a connection between Panopto and your Moodle page.  First of all, you need to set up a Panopto block in Moodle to create a course folder in Panopto. Users who are able to access your Moodle page wil be able to access this Panopto folder. Then you can upload videos to the Panopto course folder, and your students will be able to access the videos by clicking a link available in the Panopto block of the Moodle course page.

Stage 1: Adding a Panopto block to your Moodle page

  1. Navigate to the course page in Moodle.
  2. Go to the Settings menu and click Turn editing on.
  3. On the left hand navigation bar, scroll down and select Add a Block.  To access the navigation bar, click the menu icon on the top left corner.
  4. On the Add a Block pop up menu, scroll down and select Panopto.
  5. The block appears on the bottom right.  Click on the Provision Course link. This function creates a course folder in Panopto and assigns you the creator role in Panopto.


Stage 2: Upload videos to your Panopto folder

  1. You can navigate to your Panopto course folder either through the Panopto block on your Moodle course page or by accessing Panopto at  and selecting Browse and My Folders.
  2. Navigate to your course folder and click Create on top of the screen. Select Upload media
  3. To select the video you want to upload, either drag and drop the file to the video upload window or click on the upload window to browse your computer for files. All the videos your upload to the Panopto course folder can be accessed by students who are authorised to access your Moodle course page.


What should I take into account?
  • Users need a TUNI user account to access the videos. If there are people without a TUNI user account on your course (such as students from other higher education institutions who use HAKA login or have a separate Moodle user account), you need to set up the Panopto LTI link activity so they can also access the videos.   See the instructions.
  • The videos you upload to the Panopto course folder will be displayed in the Panopto block of your Moodle page.  When you add the block to your Moodle page, it will appear on the bottom right corner. When you have turned editing on on your Moodle page. You can drag and drop the block to a different place.
  • If you want to link or embed Panopto videos to other locations on your Moodle page, you can add URLs/ or links to your Moodle course page or embed videos to any Moodle text elements clicking the green Panopto button in the Moodle text editor. Examples are available Panopto demo course page in  TUNI Moodle.
  • Copying an existing Moodle course page and videos to a new page: When you create a new Moodle course page for the next implementation round of your courses and copy the existing materials to the new page, the Panopto block and possible direct links and embedded videos will also be copied to the new Moodle page.  However, by default the Panopto block wil not display the existing videos but create a new empty course folder.     Please note that the direct links to Panopto videos will not usually work for students who join your new Moodle course page, because the existing links take the user to the videos embedded to old Moodle course page, and only you and the students who attended your old Moodle course are authorised to access these videos.  For instructions on how to address this problem, scroll to the bottom of  this page.
Read more:

Instructions for uploading videos to Panopto and the course folder are available on the IT services page

You can also watch a video tutorial

For examples on using Panopto, go to the Panopto demo course page in TUNI Moodle.

Panopto: Instructions and videos