Guidelines for using artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the ability of a machine to use skills traditionally associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, designing or creating.  Based on probabilities, language models can predict how a sentence should continue and what issues are related to the topic at hand. In this way, AI can answer questions or create texts. Generative AI can generate text, videos, images and code based on the data it has been trained with. Using a prompts, a human guides the AI to formulate a response. Generative AI can also improve the response and output based on feedback.

With the rapid development of AI, knowledge about the capabilities of AI and how to use it securely, as well as an understanding of how to identify potential threats, will become increasingly important. In the future, AI developments will impact on teaching, research, work and learning. Aspects such as data security, data protection, intellectual property rights, ethics, etc. are relevant when using AI.

In a rapidly evolving situation, support and guidance from different perspectives will also be produced and updated. Here you will find the list of guidelines written from different perspectives by the Tampere University Community: