VIDEO: Comparison between journalists’ and citizens’ views on social responsibility

On November 28th 2023, we had a lunch talk with German researchers Wiebke Loosen and Verena Albert. They presented us interesting comparison between the views of journalists and audiences on what they conceive as important regarding the roles of journalists, “living well together” as well as forms of knowing in journalism. The video is availabe now.

In their 25-minute talk (the video can be viewed here), the researchers explained the notable agreement on the importance of journalistic roles and ideals for social coexistence, but the marked differences in attitudes toward objectivity and subjectivity.

Wiebke and Verena drew from a solid base: a survey representative of the population in Germany, and another survey representing German professional journalists (based on third wave of the Worlds of Journalism Study).

Wiebke Loosen is Professor and Senior Researcher and Verena Albert Junior Researcher at the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research in Hamburg.