Wear a mask
You must wear a mask at all times on TAMK campus. TAMK electronic examination (EXAM) rooms make no exception to this: You must wear a face mask in the Exam rooms. The masks are available inside the Exam rooms, as well as in the TAMK main lobbies. When you enter or leave the Exam room, disinfect your hands, wipe the Exam workstation keyboard and the mouse with disinfectant and tissue paper.
The number of computers available in the Exam rooms is reduced to ensure adequate social distancing. The Exam rooms must not have more than 10 people inside at a time. Also keep safety distances when entering and leaving the room.
For the time being, only examinations lasting up to two hours are recommended at TAMK Exam facilites. This pandemic policy is valid until 31 July 2021. Note! The limitation of the duration of examinations does not apply to national examinations, nor examinations which have additional time allocated for specific reasons.
Access to Exam Terrariums
Access to the TAMK Exam rooms (also called Terrariums) is from the main door of the Kuntokatu 3 campus. You can enter both the campus building, and the Exam rooms independently with your student card or a separate access card.
Please make sure in good time that your access rights are in order!
Hygiene guidelines in Exam facilities
- You are not allowed to enter the Exam facilities, if you have any symptoms of an illness. Cancel or change your reservation, if you are unable to take the exam at the reserved time. The same rules apply to people who have been in close contact with a person with COVID-19 within 14 days.
- Follow the hygiene instructions in the premises. Wash your hands before taking an exam.
- Wear a face mask in the Exam terrariums during the exam. Protective equipment is available in the Exam rooms.
- Exam terrariums also provide students with hand gloves and disinfectant wipes to wipe the keyboard, mouse, and any other surfaces you touch.
- Protective earphones are not available. They are replaced by individually packaged earplugs.
- Take all your rubbish into trash bin! You can open the trash bin with a foot pedal.
For any questions or feedback regarding the electronic exams, and pandemic-time arrangements in the Exam fascilities, you can contact us by email: tenttiterraario.tamk@tuni.fi.