Orchestra Academy

Tampere Orchestra Academy (OA) is a cooperation form between Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere Conservatoire and Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra which offers students training in orchestral playing, audition and performance through a fixed working life connection. Teaching is mainly organised at TAMK Music. The included annual orchestra period with Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra takes place at Tampere Hall. The teachers and coaches are Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra’s principals and players.

Paths from Tampere Orchestra Academy to working life

Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, TAMK Music and Tampere Conservatoire started a journeyman programme in autumn 2020. Students can work on four separate orchestra weeks chosen by Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra. The students are chosen based on auditions and they participate in the orchestra work under the guidance of professional musicians. The students work as extra players during these so-called side-by-side weeks and receive credits for the orchestra weeks.

Finnish Defence Forces as a new cooperation partner

TAMK and the Finnish Defence Forces agreed on a partnership programme between military bands and TAMK in the academic year 2021-2022. The cooperation model is a part of the Orchestra Academy. Related practices are tested during the pilot year with the Guards and Navy bands. The purpose is to expand the partnership to all military bands in the academic year 2022-2023.

Team of Tampere Orchestra Academy
Dimas Ruiz Santos, Lecturer in Orchestral Conducting and Orchestral Music, TAMK Music
Maria Piirainen, Producer, TAMK Music
Tuire Hänninen, Event Coordinator, Tampere Philharmonia

In cooperation:
Mia Muona, Producer, Tampere Conservatoire
Tarja Reijonen, Communications Officer, Tampere Conservatoire

Couches of Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra for the 2024-2025 season will be updated later.

How did Tampere Orchestra Academy originate?

An orchestra project was implemented in cooperation between Tampere Music Academy students and Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra in spring 2015. Dimitri Sostakovic’s Symphony No. 7, which is also known as the Leningrad Symphony, was in the orchestra’s programme. The key person in starting the orchestra was Senior Lecturer Jaana Haanterä from Tampere Conservatoire.

The original idea of Haanterä and Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra’s contemporary Manager Helena Hiilivirta was cooperation in which Haanterä would coach Music Academy students for the orchestra week and concerts. It led to the idea of starting a long-term cooperation between Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra and the Music Academy. The Orchestra Academy’s aim is to promote students’ professional competence in orchestra playing and improve their employment possibilities after graduation.