Goal 2: Zero hunger

SDG2: Zero hunger

Meaning of the goal - End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

Tampere University explores innovations for reducing food loss

Wastebusters, a research group based in the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University, is involved in the international LOWINFOOD project launched in 2020. The goal of the project is to work together with stakeholders in the food supply chain to co-design low-waste value chains by supporting the demonstration of a portfolio of innovations for the fruits & vegetables, bakery products and fish value chains as well as for at-home and out-of-home consumption.

The four-year project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme and involves 27 partners from 12 European countries.

The LOWINFOOD project also contributes to the following SDGs: 12.

Read more about the LOWINFOOD project.


Health and Environment course for students of Public Health

Public Health studies include the Health and Environment course that delves into the health effects of the environment and environmental problems. For example, the covers the concept of planetary well-being and a sustainable food system. Students who complete the course will understand how the environment impacts people’s health and what kinds of political decisions and strategies can prevent environmental change.

The course also contributes to the following SDGs: 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17.

Read more about the Health and Environment course.