C. Networks, Co-operation and Entrepreneurship Skills

1. PoDoCo – bringing companies and doctors together
(Essi Huttu, DIMECC Oy)

The PoDoCo (PostDocs in Companies) program, is a joint initiative of Finnish universities, industry and foundations. The aim of the program is to support the transition of doctoral graduates into private sector careers and, at the same time, enhance the strategic renewal of companies through the academic research. PoDoCo facilitates novel meetings and matches newly graduated doctors with companies, and it financially supports the collaboration projects between doctors and companies by offering research grants of 6-12 months. Annually, the PoDoCo program awards almost one million Euros in funding from its nine participating foundations.

2. Doctoral course Circular Economy Entrepreneurship in System Integrated Metals Processing
(Matti Lampinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology)

How do we bring together bright minds at the Doctoral-level to create significant value-generating proposals addressing industrial needs? International course with industry co-operation. The CEE-SIMP challenge: How to bring together great minds at the doctoral-level to create significant value-generating proposals addressing industrial needs.

3. Nordic network in doctoral education
(Hannu Sariola, University of Helsinki)

NorDoc (Nordic Doctoral Training in Health Sciences) network consists of 19 universities in the Nordic countries. Nordic doctoral candidates in life science and medical science have free access to courses offered by the members of NorDoc.

4. Driving radical Innovations, new educational approaches and guided entrepreneurship with funding from EIT Raw Materials
(Olli Salmi, Lappeenranta University of Technology)

EIT Raw Materials PHD offers the largest consortium around metallic and mineral raw materials in the world, international and intersectoral mobility, training in entrepreneurship and innovation skills and  also training in market and technology intelligence.

5.Bringing research knowledge to exploitation: a T-shape itinerary approach – BREAK-IT. Enhancing innovation and entrepreneurship skills: evaluation of a doctoral training program.

(Katja Lahikainen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Minna Halonen VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd  & Terhi Virkki-Hatakka, Lappeenranta University of Technology)

The study presents the outcomes of a doctoral training program that had two objectives:
     1. To enhance innovation and entrepreneurship skills
     2. Self-development of the participants