Stream videos for a restricted group

Microsoft Stream is a video-sharing service included in the Office 365 suite. With Stream, you can easily share high-quality videos for teaching purposes and deliver live events for a restricted group of users or a larger audience. However, Stream users have sometimes accidentally published videos intended for a restricted group of users to the entire organisation. Read this tip to learn how to control who can see your video.

What do I need?

You need a video that you publish via Microsoft Stream. You can create videos using the recording feature in Teams or PowerPoint.

What do I need to do?

Create your video first. If necessary, see the instructions for uploading a video with Stream. To upload a video, either go to the Stream start page or your team page in TUNI Groups.

If you go to the Stream portal to upload your video, the following checkbox will be selected by default under Permissions: “Allow everyone in your company to view this video”. Often you only need to share videos with a specific group of users, so unselect his checkbox if you do not want all staff and students to have access to your video. Select the target group or add the persons who can view your video.

You can also go to a specific group page in Stream to upload your video. This way, the default setting will not be Allow everyone in your company to view this video. This is the safest option if you may otherwise forget to unselect the checkbox.

What should I take into account?

When you are recording a video, make sure there is no sensitive information visible in your background. Check that your microphone is not picking up any distracting background noises.

Stream enables you to follow channels where people are posting videos on a particular topic. For example, you can create a Stream channel for your unit. Your unit can easily share, organise and manage videos through this dedicated channel.