Share large files with Funet FileSender

Sometimes we need to share files that are too large to be sent via email. Funet FileSender is a browser-based service designed for sharing large files. The file size limit in Funet FileSender is half a terabyte, whereas in most email clients the limit is somewhere around a couple of dozens of megabytes.

What do I need?

You need large files that you must send to someone.

What do I need to do?

Make sure your files are ready to be sent and need no editing. Go to Sign in with your TUNI username and password (Haka login). Select the file you need to send, type the recipient’s email address and a possible message, and determine how long the file will remain available for download in Funet FileSender. After you click Send, the recipient will receive a link so he or she can download the file.

A picture of different systems in Funet File Sender

What should I take into account?

Funet FileSender cannot be used for storing files as the files will only be retained for a specific period and will then be deleted. Never use FileSender to share confidential material (such as research data) without encryption.

Select the checkbox “Get a link instead of sending to recipients”, if you prefer to send the link to the recipient yourself through your chosen medium. Please be sure to adhere to the data protection regulations!

Funet FileSender is a free service that CSC offers to all higher education institutions in Finland.

Read more:

If you have relatively large files that you do not want to share via Funet FileSender, contact the IT Helpdesk to inquire about alternative services ( /