Specialisation Programmes in Psychology

never stop learning

Specialist training (70 credits) in psychology is university-level professional specialisation education completed after graduating with a master’s degree. The specialisation programmes in psychology are organised in cooperation with the national Psykonet  university network. Member universities offer professional specialisation programmes for those who have completed a degree and have already entered working life. The three-year specialisation programme is completed alongside work. The specialist training in psychology is fee-based professional specialisation education (section 2 of Government Decree 1082/2009). The fee for the 70-credit programme is €8,400.

Read more about
Specialisation Programmes in Clinical Mental Health Psychology and Neuropsycholygy/University of Helsinki
Specialisation Programme in Health Psychology/University of Eastern Finland
Specialisation Programme in Children and Youth Psychology/University of Turku
Specialisation Programme in Work and Organizational Psychology/Tampere University