
Sofie Pelsmakers
- Professor
- Architecture, Housing Design
- Faculty of Built Environment
- Tampere University
- +358504478491
By appointment (room RJ 313, Hervantra Campus) - please email
- CV:
About me
My passion is for sustainable architecture and sustainable housing design teaching, practice and research that makes a difference and responds to current societal and environmental challenges. Originally born in Belgium, I am a UK chartered architect (ARB/RIBA) and have dedicated over 20 years to advancing sustainable architecture and creating more sustainable living environments.
I am honoured to Chair the ASUTUT - Sustainable Housing Design research group. Our research group investigates and re-imagines new approaches to housing design and its spatial and architectural quality in an ever-changing world (e.g. climate change, finite resources, ageing populations, declining health and well-being, loneliness, pollution, urbanisation, affordability). ASUTUT aim to make meaningful societal change through holistic research in order to influence and support the design of sustainable living environments and resilient communities now, and in the future. The research group combine unique areas of expertise that include:
AGILE DESIGN: Spatially adaptable, flexible and user-centric housing design, transformations and housing solutions for a diversity of users, including solo-dwellers and older adults. It also includes climate chnage adaptations (e.g. overheating prevention).
ECOLOGICAL DESIGN: Energy efficient and zero energy/zero carbon design, user well-being, designing for good indoor environmental quality (IEQ, e.g., thermal and visual comfort). Building performance and post-occupancy evaluation (POE and BPE).
INCLUSIVE DESIGN: Including and encountering human diversity in design cultures, practices and environments, including various models of co-housing and shared spaces. Includes designing for ageing populations (older adults) and the inclusion of nature and non-humans in living environments.
SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE PEDAGOGY: values, integration of sustainability in design studio, peer-learning, blended learning, democratic processes, transformational learning.
In addition to PhD, Masters thesis supervision and guest lectures elsewhere, I chair and teach (together with colleagues) 4 courses in the architecture unit:
1. Fundamentals of Urban Housing Design (FIN, year 3)
2. Societally Responsive Housing Design (EN, year 4)
3. Experimental Architectural Design (EN, year 5)
4. Sustainable Architecture (EN, Masters)(recipient of Tampere University’s 2021 Honorable Mention for Good Teaching and Teaching Development)
Other responsibilities include:
# Visiting Professor at the Sheffield School of Architecture (on the Sustainable Architecture Studies Masters course)
# Member of PROFI 6 STUE Research Platform (Sustainable Transformations of Urban Environments)
# BEN Faculty Representative on the Professor's Council
# Founding member of ACAN Finland (Architects Climate Action Finland, ).
Field of expertise
Together with colleagues, I strive to make a difference through holistic real-world research and teaching, in order to influence the design of sustainable housing environments and resilient communities now, and in the future. My focus is on ’every day’ housing architecture with specialty in ecological, low energy and low carbon, affordable housing design and housing adaptability. I am particularly interested in how homes and spaces work in reality and how they are used and change over time (i.e. actual performance and user satisfaction (BPE and POE)).
My current research focuses on the resilience and capacity of residents and their living environments to respond to and adapt to current and anticipated societal and environmental challenges and changes. This includes spatial and environmental adaptations to respond to residents’ needs, changing demographics and a changing climate.
Alternate description
My passion is for architecture teaching, practice and research that makes a difference and responds to current societal and environmental challenges. My specialty is low energy, adaptable, affordable housing design and housing retrofit. I am particularly interested in how buildings and spaces work in reality, and how architecture exists and changes over seasons and time. This includes how building use and users change and adapt buildings (i.e. actual performance and user satisfaction (POE/BPE)), and how architecture shapes uses and users. I am also interested in pedagogical methods for embedding transformational values and holistic sustainability approaches in architecture education. In my work I attempt to bridge the information gap between research and architectural practice.
I thrive on genuine collaboration with others who are also striving to make the world a better and more sustainable place. For projects, outputs and activities see
Research topics
Generally, my research spans across (and often combines) three areas, all of which are co-researched with scientists in our sister disciplines (e.g. social sciences, engineering, gerontology, geography etc.):
1) sustainable living environments (e.g. low energy/low carbon and nZEB homes, climate change adaptability, building performance and user satisfaction (POE/BPE), and health and well-being)
2) basic housing design research (e.g. accessible and inclusive design, designing for ageing population, adaptable and dweller-oriented housing design and flexible housing solutions, shared spaces and new co-housing models)
3) sustainable architecture pedagogy (values, integration of sustainability in design studio, peer-learning, blended learning)
For research projects see
Core team members (*part-time researchers in our group):
Post-docs: Jyrki Tarpio*, Tapio Kaasalainen*, Raul Castano de la Rosa
PhD researchers: Katja Maununaho*, Sini Saarimaa,* Taru Lehtinen*, Anna Helamaa*, Troels Rugbjerg (DK based), Mo Elsayed (Venice University funded double PhD degree), Lena Jegard, Essi Nisonen
Research assistants: Heini Järventausta*, Karoliina Kivimäki
Other close associated BEN researchers*: Jonathon Taylor, Teemu Hirvilammi, Jenni Poutanen
Research unit
ASUTUT - Sustainable Housing Design -
Research fields
1) sustainable living environments (e.g. low energy/low carbon and nZEB homes, climate change adaptability, building performance and user satisfaction (POE/BPE), and health and well-being)
2) basic housing design research (e.g. accessible and inclusive design, designing for ageing population, adaptable and dweller-oriented housing design and flexible housing solutions, shared spaces and new co-housing models)
3) sustainable architecture pedagogy (values, integration of sustainability in design studio, peer-learning, blended learning)
Research career
In addition to my bachelor and masters architecture degree, I hold 2 specialist masters degrees: an MSc Architecture: Advanced Environmental and Energy Studies (UEL, 2000), and a Masters in Research (MRes) in Building Energy Demand from UCL (2012). After practicing sustainable housing design as a project architect for several years at Levitt Bernstein Architects in London, and while also teaching sustainable architecture part-time at the University of East London (2001-2011), I completed my PhD at the Bartlett, UCL's Faculty of the Built Environment on the retrofit of the UK's existing pre-1919 housing stock, in particular investigating ground floor heat loss (2012-2016). I used in-situ U-value measuring techniques and undertook pilot studies to validate the effect of insulation interventions on floor heat loss.
In October 2015, I took up a part-time Environmental Design lectureship at Sheffield University School of Architecture where I also co-led the MSc in Sustainable Architecture Studies and undertook UK industry and government funded research. I was also part-time Head of Research at ECD Architects (London + Glasgow) where I supported architects with evidence-based design.
Following the UK Brexit referendum, I joined the Aarhus School of Architecture (Denmark, 2018-2019) as Assistant Professor in Sustainable Architecture where I co-founded a collaborative and transnational research group 'Nordic Sustainable Architecture' with Elizabeth Donovan and Ula Kozminska. I now chair the Sustainable Housing Design research group at Tampere University (2019-present).
2021: Tampere University 2021 Honorable Mention for Good Teaching and Teaching Development for the Sustainable Architecture course (with Dalia Milian Bernal)
2018-present: Invited on architectural judging panels (Architects Journal; PassivHaus Trust, Norman Fosters Travel Scholarship)
2017: Recognition as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and FHEA (2015)
2017: Selected as Bartlett PhD Alumni Role Model
2017: UK patent-pending with industry partner (GB17101780.7, 2018)
2015: One of 12 RIBA Role models in architecture (2015), as part of the RIBA’s Equality & diversity project.
2013-2018: RIBA/CIC Equality/Diversity mentor
2013: 1 of 13 Stars of Building Science in Virtual Academy of Excellence, Building 4 Change (BRE)
2013: UKGBC Highly Commended 'Rising Star Award' for publication The Environmental Design Pocketbook
2013: Listed as 1 of 20 ‘Women influencing Sustainable Architecture’, by the Architects Journal
2012: Commendation by RIBA President's Medal for Outstanding Practice Located research (for The Environmental Design Pocketbook) and highly commended by the UKGBC
The research group strives to make a difference through holistic real-world research, in order to influence and support the design of sustainable housing environments and resilient communities now, and in the future. The researchers do this by investigating and re-imagining responses to current and predicted societal and environmental challenges, such as climate change, finite resources, ageing populations, declining health and well-being, loneliness, pollution, urbanization, affordability.
The Sustainable Housing Design research group combines research and practice and merges unique areas of expertise. This includes adaptable, flexible and inclusive housing design, energy efficient and zero energy and zero carbon design, user satisfaction and performance evaluation, and the impact of these diverse aspects on spatial and architectural quality and dwellers health and well-being.
Our research explores and validates the implications of these challenges on the making of space, and their relevance to housing design and their communities. In doing so, our research also unfolds the value of innovative, sustainable housing design and the role of different stakeholders within this.
We thrive on genuine collaboration within our group and with residents and citizens as key stakeholders, as well as with colleagues in industry and in other disciplines at the university and with colleagues elsewhere who are also striving to make the world a better and more sustainable place.
2021-: BEN Faculty Representative on the Faculty Council and member of BEN Research Development Group
2021-: Visting Professor at Sheffield University
2019-2022: Associate Editor of Buildings & Cities (jufo 1), with Editor-in-Chief Richard Lorch (previously at Building Research & Information)
2018-: member of recruitment panel process for Professorships/lectureships/postdocs
2018-2021: invited member of the Formas Expert Review Panel for Sustainable Development annual open call – Swedish Research Council
2018-2021: External Examiner of the MSt (Masters of Studies) in Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment, Department of Architecture and Engineering, Cambridge University
Peer-reviewed publications (Journals & Conferences & book chapters) - see
Dalia Milián Bernal
- Project Manager
- Faculty of Built Environment
- Tampere University
- +358504757849
About me
I am a doctoral researcher, project manager, and teacher in the School of Architecture at the Faculty of the Built Environment. My research and teaching activities lie at the intersection of architecture, urban planning, and critical urban studies. Through research, I aim to understand the production of space from below and investigate how these, often radical, spatial practices can help illuminate alternative ways to address the multiple but interrelated social, environmental, and climate crises. As a teacher, I aim to position these practices within the curricula of sustainable architecture and planning to offer a more critical, comprehensive, and inclusive understanding of the built environment and to elucidate alternative paths for future architects and planners to engage with in practice for the construction of more just and sustainable living future.
Currently, I am the project manager and a researcher of T-winning Spaces 2035 (WP2) undertaken within the ASUTUT - Sustainable Housing Design research group. Our work package aims to understand how individuals adapt and arrange their home environments to accommodate their work in order to reimagine and propose more sustainable and just home-working environments for the future.
I am also a doctoral researcher in the group of urban planning, within the chair of urban planning theory. My doctoral research critically investigates appropriations of abandoned urban spaces in different Latin American cities. I am particularly interested in understanding the grassroots and the motivations behind their actions, the new materialities and meanings they introduce into cities, and the processes involved in order to transform these otherwise derelict spaces into vibrant sites where different activities unfold. In my view, these appropriations and spatial practices represent a legitimate source of knowledge for the construction of more just and sustainable urban futures.
In addition to doing research, I am currently teaching the courses of Urban Planning and Design Theory 2 and Sustainable Architecture.
Research topics
- Socio-spatial aspects of sustainable architecture
- Critical urban theory
- Urban planning theory
- Spatial justice
- Urban activism
- Grassroots, radical, and insurgent spatial and planning practices
- Narrative and visual methods
- Critical theory, (eco)feminist theory, and decolonial theory
- Home geography
- Home-city geographies
- The home as a space of work
- The home as site of spatial (in)justice
Research unit
Urban Planning Research Group and ASUTUT - Sustainable Housing Design
Research fields
Architecture, urban planning, and critical urban studies.
Recently, I co-edit the book REPOSITORY: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places. The book gathered a set of methods and assignments from diverse fields of knowledge to engage with the material and immaterial dimensions of urban places via narratives.
I received the Tampere University 2021 Honourable Mention for Good Teaching and Teaching Development for the Sustainable Architecture course with Sofie Pelsmakers.
Challenging methodologies: Deploying liberatory epistemologies to unlock creative research practices
Milián Bernal, D., kesäk. 2024, julkaisussa: QUALITATIVE RESEARCH. 24, 3, s. 669-689 21 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Activism is a Way to Build Small Utopias
Kobierska, A., Milián Bernal, D. & Pelsmakers, S., 2023, julkaisussa: ark ARKKITEHTI. 3, s. 51-55Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Ammatillinen
Co-constructed Narratives of the Grassroots in the City: Narrating Hiedanranta
Milián Bernal, D., Alatalo, E., Hawkins, J. A. & Lehtovuori, P., 14 marrask. 2023, julkaisussa: Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature. 8-9, s. 172-198 14 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Learning urban activism: a retrospective look at how to engage students
Alatalo, E., Turku, V., Milián Bernal, D. & Kyrönviita, M., 2023, Curious pedagogy: Reflections on urban planning education. Chudoba, M. & Griffiths, G. (toim.). Tampere: Tampere University, s. 169-194 (Datutop; Vuosikerta 41).Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
REPOSITORY: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places
Machado e Moura, C. (Toimittaja), Milián Bernal, D. (Toimittaja), Restrepo Restrepo, E. (Toimittaja), Havik , K. (Toimittaja) & Niculae, L. (Toimittaja), huhtik. 2023, 1st toim. Rotterdam: nai010 Publishers. 216 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Kirja › Ammatillinen
Storying Stories: Socio-spatial practices and their meaning
Milián Bernal, D., huhtik. 2023, REPOSITORY: 49 Methods and Assignments for Writing Urban Places. 1st toim. nai010 Publishers, s. 166-169Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Ammatillinen
Unearthing Urban Narratives: Towards a Repository of Methods
Milián Bernal, D. & Machado e Moura, C., 14 marrask. 2023, julkaisussa: Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature. 8-9, s. 53-72 11 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Narratives of Appropriation: Abandoned Spaces, Entangled Stories and Profound Urban Transformations
Milián Bernal, D., 20 huhtik. 2022, julkaisussa: Writingplace Journal for Architecture and Literature. 6, s. 69-89 21 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Emerging Identities
Milián Bernal, D. & Säkkinen, V.-P., 2021, julkaisussa: -ism magazine. 3, s. 73-82Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli › General public
Milián Bernal, D., 2020, VADEMECUM: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places. Havik, K., Pint, K., Riesto, S. & Steiner, H. (toim.). nai010 Publishers, s. 18-19Tutkimustuotos: Luku › Ammatillinen

Raul Castano De la Rosa
- Senior Research Fellow
- Faculty of Built Environment
- Tampere University
- +358505215370
About me
Raúl is a Spanish interdisciplinary architect engineer by training, with a Masters in Research in Integrated Building Management (environmental expertise) and a PhD in Architecture from the University of Seville (Spain), and over 8 years of experience in the non-academic and academic sector where he has played a key role in teaching, researching, mentoring. He is currently Senior Research Fellow and co-chair of Sustainable Housing Design research group (ASUTUT) at the Faculty of Built Environment. He is also Visiting Young Professor at the Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Urban Heat and Pollution Control, Southeast University (China) and acts as Research Field Coordinator of the Resilient Communities of practices at the ECIU University.
He research interests include understanding how to design and transform housing and communities for a more sustainable, affordable, and resilient built environment.
My publications at

Essi Nisonen
- Research Assistant
- Master's Student
- Faculty of the Built Environment
- Tampere University
About me
The driving force which has pushed me all the way to the last years of my Masters studies in architecture must be curiosity. I have a passion for asking questions and finding alternative approaches to thigs we consider self-evident.
I wrote my Bachelor’s thesis on the social sustainability of two-room apartments built in 2020 in Tampere, and had the honour of receiving the award for the Best Bachelor’s Thesis in the Department of Architecture (TAU) for it. Besides sustainable housing I am extremely passionate about envisioning holistically sustainable architecture education.
At the moment I’m most interested in tackling the question of implementing the knowledge around sustainability to architecture education through design processes & tools. Before starting my studies in TAU I had worked with the concept of Design Thinking in Aalto University. For me connecting vast and complex entities to each other is a matter of tools. An iterative and empathic design process like Design Thinking can be used as a bridge between the present situation and the architecture education of the future. We need tools for reflection, exploring, empathising, innovating and testing our ideas. In my Masters’ thesis I will be looking into the possibilities of Design Thinking as a tool for holistically sustainable architecture education.
B. thesis: