- In groups of 3 to 4 students, produce a podcast episode of approximately 10 to 30 minutes in length. The course coordinator will form the groups.
- Preferably meet your team members in person at least twice: first to brainstorm ideas for the podcast, then to record it. There might be students from both campuses in your team, so please be flexible about where you could meet (e.g. once in Hervanta, once in the city center).
Ideas for content:
Users and experiences: Select a service (e.g. university gym, library, exam rooms) and interview its users for their experiences. What works, what doesn’t? How could this service be improved?
Accessibility on campus: How accessible is Tampere University for different user groups? Experiment, test, interview, suggest improvements.
Any other topic even loosely related to the topics covered during the lecture series.
- Feel free to divide roles and duties within your group (e.g. who is in charge collecting background info, who interviews people, who edits the recording, and so on)
- Record the podcast and edit if necessary (e.g. with free audio editing software such as Audacity. There are plenty of online tutorials out there that will help you get started). No fancy equipment needed for recording, feel free to use a smart phone.
- You are not required to add music or sound effects to your podcast, but you certainly can if you want to.
- Publishing your podcast: Send your final podcast audio file to the course coordinator; the files will be posted on the course website. No need for you to find an audio host.
More tips on making a podcast: How To Start A Podcast For Free: Complete Guide (The first 2:30 are relevant for our purposes, but not the publishing and distributing part)