Työympäristökehittäminen - Academic Workplace Development -työpaja to 11.4.2019

Tervetuloa työympäristökehittämisen asiantuntijat Corelab-työpajaan. Corelabin työympäristökehittämisen verkoston seuraava työpaja järjestetään to 11.4. klo 12.30-14.30 Tampereen Yliopiston Hervannan kampuksella. Työpajan teemana on Academic Workplace Development.

Tilaisuuden keynote-esiintyjänä on Andrew Harrison, Spaces That Work.

Andrew Harrison established Spaces That Work Ltd, an independent consultancy specialising in learning environments, in early 2011. Prior to this he was Director of Learning and Research at DEGW, an international design practice based in London. He has worked with a wide range of Universities in the UK and internationally on building and campus design projects including: Imperial College, Oxford University, University of Glasgow, Aalto University in Helsinki and the Aga Khan University in East Africa, Pakistan and London. His book on future learning environments ‘ Design for the Changing educational landscape: space, place and the future of learning’ was published by Routledge in 2014. Since 2015 he has been part of the team delivering the new Swansea Waterfront campus project for the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and has also worked on several University wide projects looking at future learning and work spaces for the University. He was appointed as Professor of Practice by the University in 2016 to further explore the relationship between pedagogy and space in both their own campus and their academic research.

12.30 Kahvit
12.40 Tervetuloa, Dosentti, Suvi Nenonen, TAU & SYK Oy & Projektipäällikkö, Alpo Salmisto, TAU/CoreLab
12.50 Academic Workplace Development, Andrew Harrison, Spaces That Work
14.00 Kehityspilottien ideointi ja keskustelu: Kohti vielä parempia työntekemisen paikkoja – mitä ja miten tutkimme, Dosentti, Suvi Nenonen, TAU & SYK Oy
14.30 Tilaisuus päättyy


Tilaisuus: Academic Workplace Development -työpaja
Milloin: to 11.4.2019 klo 12:00-14:00
Missä: Tampereen Yliopisto, Hervannan Kampus, Kampusareena 5. krs. Kampusklub