Flexible work management and work-life balance | Shiwen Wang and Shaidul Kazi

TAMKjournal | An efficient working environment with multiple recourses provides unique value to the internal and external private life of employees. Maintaining balance is of critical worth in this generation, even though the definition of balance depends on the personal aim in the life journey and the different dimensions borne out of perspectives.


Working environment plays a significant role in personal well-being in work-life balance. Work circumstances give the most valuable perception of one’s psychological and physical states of life outside the workplace since career is one of the essential aspects of people’s waking life. A successful organizational system depends not only on customer-oriented success but also on the mature inside design of a successful strategy as the significant consideration.

In other words, work circumstances can positively achieve work-life balance by improving personal well-being in the work atmosphere and organization of affective work commitment. In an actual situation as a host, to perform at the highest level, you need to be psychologically aligned with the career’s highest values, emotionally connect with your team, and create the high-qualified capability to manage your works.

The role of resources in the career and private life

The flexible working arrangements in the work-related resources in terms of employees’ psychological conditions significantly affect the health and emotions of those nursing employees by resources transformation. Hobfoll (1989) points out that the resources in the working environment give value to both actual losses and underlying losses of personal well-being. If a person has an advantage in one resource, they will also have a relative advantage in other resources. That is, these resources seem to work in synergy with and promote each other (Cuijpers et al. 2016). However, in the rapid development of the modern work environment, enterprise goals and employee growth are important issues that leaders cannot ignore. It is one of the responsibilities of corporate leaders to motivate and promote the continuous development of employees and vigorously seek a shared vision as the internal motivation to encourage the development of enterprises (Meng 2016).

The powerful thinking of the leadership and the enterprise-led mode of the work environment will seriously affect the development of the enterprise and the self-realization of employees in the workplace, which is an inseparable part of their lives (Opoku et al. 2015). Flexible work management is the resource in the work atmosphere as the main contribution to team development. Employees’ status functions primarily to wholly reflect a positive working environment with sufficient support in job autonomy, time management, professional skills, and group growth development (Baumann et al. 2010). In the medical field, the full support of the nursing team in dealing with patients’ critical conditions with an efficient time management style is the one reason to reduce stressful working conditions. This positive influence and power will advance rapidly and bring higher practical value to the enterprise. This value has nothing to do with the external material world, such as money and honor. Still, it is more related to the individual’s spiritual unity and the enterprise’s mission (Murphy & McMahan 1995).

Greenleaf (1998) defines the framework of service-oriented leadership by mediating the discovery of others’ inner spirit, gaining and maintaining others’ trust, providing resources, and effective listening. At the same time, a compelling vision and a desire to serve others first are critical tenets of servant leaders (Progress 1998). In the fact that individuals’ spiritually perceived time management support is essential based on mutual consciousness. Team-based freedom promotes team morale, increases individuals’ value in the organization, and leads to prosperity and balance in individual lives.

Their safety is your health and your life

Time is a supplement and an integral part of life by every single valuable step aggregation. Successful work time management in the group depends on employees’ devotion and the responsibilities of love. Similarly, a successful career promotes and influences one’s potential condition for future development and psychological satisfaction, thus reducing stress factors, giving positive signs for the balance between work and personal life, leading to a morale group development.

Nursing work conditions yield vital views resulting in patients’ outcomes and quality of life. This indirect influence on the stressful working environment has unconsciously impacted employees’ emotions. No wonder adequate team resources promote the motivation to learn, which can improve professional nursing skills, as a factor in influencing personal conditions. Patients’ safety is the one vital concern in WHO every single year (WHO 2020). Reducing the risk of errors in a wide range of work environments, critical thinking, and judgment to emergency handling in different urgent situations can effectively promote the team’s development and significantly reduce risk and errors (Dhal 2016).

External success in any field is based on internal success, and the medical field is no exception.

Serving the people is the primary goal in this world. This concept is considered the working environment and entrepreneur mission for personal and company development: nurses’ responsibility by love perceptions, the autonomy of work efficiency, and decision-making ability. Every effective action is a success, and each component is practical action. It is no wonder that the team becomes powerful and dynamic. External success in any field is based on internal success, and the medical field is no exception. One of the core values of a successful leader is to regard the enterprise environment as an upbeat guide for employees and the community (Greenleaf 1998).

Working environment and life vision

Employee-centered flexible working offers a wealth of possibilities, provides a valuable perspective on work-related issues, and contributes to a harmonious working environment. WHO (2019) defined that a working environment with sufficient recourses supported by managerial ability significantly influences the personal work skills to perform the work. This emotional consumption without sufficient resources may create more risk of the condition. An unhealthy working environment directly affects mental and physical health (WHO 2019). Self-influence is related to the satisfaction of working conditions for every single member of the team. Stress-release caused by self-actualization in terms of self-management helps achieve different levels of human needs. Getting command of work is considered a coping mechanism in private life.

Mission-centered thinking is a motivating force in the corporate world, yet it invisibly underpins everyone’s beliefs in the work environment. This force is the spiritual level of each individual and influences the climate of the physical world. Motivation is essentially an internal or external drive that inspires enthusiasm and the ability to follow through on a given goal. It is primarily concerned with the creative spirit factors and those that direct this energy towards desired goals and expectations and maintain energy levels and performance (Caldeira & Hall 2012). As a host, to lead ourselves successfully, provide motivation and encouragement to others, and create a healthy environment in the right way is belonging to our own responsibility, also as the vital part by the leader’s dimensions of the mind map.

Thereby good self-control of time management and professional authority to make the decision, those factors are essential to buildup healthy working environment, positively influencing the individual’s well-being of employees and enterprises. In addition, cognition and awareness, or thoughts, are crucial to shaping mental health. The cultivation of the soul and physical body, which eventually leads to enlightenment, promotes powerful energy in consciousness (Hawkins 2020).

Future of flexible work management and personal life balance

Corporate policies which effectively support flexible working arrangements are also a consideration that some corporate cultures do not fully implement and endorse. Universal environmental and cultural conditions could influence nursing employees’ professional autonomy. A key aspect is that equal weight is not given to work and personal life because of a person’s ethnic-cultural background and growth environment, and there is a subjective element to this. All processes and changes are based on human needs and practical applications. Instead, it is the spiritual level concern to achieve the highest level of human needs.


Baumann, A., Muijen, M. & Gaebel, W. 2010. Mental health and well-being at the workplace – protection and inclusion in challenging times. World Health Organization, 52.

Caldeira, S., & Hall, J. 2012. Spiritual leadership and spiritual care in neonatology. Journal of Nursing Management, 20(8), 1069–1075.

Cuijpers, P., Shields-Zeeman, L., Hipple Walters, B., & Petrea, I. 2016. EU Compass For Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing. Summary and Analysis of Key Developments in Member States and Stakeholders.

Dhal, H. B. 2016. Stress and Human Body System Reaction – A Review. RESEARCH HUB – International Multidisciplinary Research Journal (RHIMRJ), 3(12), 1–6.

Greenleaf, R. 1998. The Power of Servant-Leadership (1st edition). Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Hawkins, D., 2020. The map of consciousness explained. UK: Hay House UK Ltd, London.

Hobfoll, S. E. 1989. Conservation of Resources: A New Attempt at Conceptualizing Stress. American Psychologist, 44(3), 513–524.

Meng, Y. 2016. Spiritual leadership at the workplace: perspectives and theories (Review). Biomedical Reports, 5(4), 408–412.

Murphy, J., & McMahan, I. 1995. The power of your subconscious mind. Simon and Schuster.

Opoku, A., Ahmed, V., & Cruickshank, H. 2015. Leadership, culture and sustainable built environment. Emerald.

Progress, B. Q. 1998. Insights on leadership: service, stewardship, spirit, and servant-leadership. Choice Reviews Online, 35(09), 35-5169-35–5169.

WHO. 2019. Charter: Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases. [statement]. Released on 28.05.2019. Read on 13.08.2021. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-05-2019-burn-out-an-occupational-phenomenon-international-classification-of-diseases

WHO. 2020. Charter: health worker safety: a priority for patient safety. [statement]. Released on 17.09.2020. Read on 18.03.2021. https://www.who.int/news/item/17-09-2020-keep-health-workers-safe-to-keep-patients-safe-who


Shiwen Wang, with over eight years of multicultural work experience related to Asian, European, and American cultural backgrounds in the medical fields, is a professional caregiver to support the needs of human life. Graduate of the MBA programme in International Business at TAMK, majors is in specialist health care and team building. She is passionate about human well-being and enterprise creations, particularly team build-up necessary for future development.
Email: shiwen-wang.helen@hotmail.com

Shaidul Kazi, PhD has over fifteen years’ teaching experience in cross-cultural management, HRM and International Business-related courses. His PhD dissertation topic was “Managerial Decision-Making Behaviour and Impact of Culture. He is a multicultural intelligence expert and senior lecturer in the degree program of International Business, at the Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK). Alongside teaching, he regularly writes newspaper articles on contemporary issues.
Email: shaidul.kazi@tuni.fi

Photo: Jonne Renvall/University of Tampere