

Number of international students 2019

International degree students 571
Incoming exchange students 430


Non-Finnish graduates by degrees and Professional teacher education
Degrees 2017 2018 2019
Bachelor’s degrees 63 67 71
Master’s degrees 4 19 16
Professional teacher education 4 4 7
Total 71 90 94

Source: VIRTA database


International partner universities

TAMK has 335 partner universities approximately in 55 countries.


International exchanges, students and trainees

Exchanges (days)

2017 2018 2019
Outgoing 668 887 881
Incoming 402 384 413
Total 1 070 1 271 1 294

Source: SoleMove


International exchanges, teachers and experts
Exchanges (days) 2017 2018 2019
 Outgoing 2875 2802 3319
 Incoming 2801 3894 3236
Total 5 676
6 696 6 555

Source: SoleMove


Global education