Credits completed in open university of applied sciences

Popularity of open UAS studies at TAMK showed a downward trend after the pandemic years. Approximately 18,100 credits were completed compared to about 24,000 in 2021. Path students completed over half of the open UAS credits. More than every fourth open UAS student aimed for degree education.
Besides open UAS education, TAMK’s continuous learning provision comprises specialisation studies, further education, tailored education for companies and communities as well as education export. In 2022, 110 students participated in specialisation studies and approximately 3,100 students in further education.
Education sales and services in Finland

Education sales and services started to grow again in Finland after the drop in 2021 and were worth almost €3.1 million in 2022. International education continued to grow as regards both education export and tuition fee education. The international figures are presented in more detail in the Internationality section.