Number of bachelor’s degree students

The number of bachelor’s degree students has grown steadily for years. In 2022, TAMK had 9,870 bachelor’s degree students. Engineering (3,654), social and health care (2,925) and business (1,878) had the most students.
Number of master’s degree students

The number of master’s degree students has grown steadily during the past years. In 2022, the number of master’s degree students was 1,071 and it grew by a hundred students from 2021. Social and health care (392) and business (266) had the highest number of master’s degree students.
Number of professional teacher education students

Professional teacher education students graduate as professional teachers, special needs teachers and guidance counsellors. In 2022, the number of students was 483, which was about 40 students fewer than the year before.
Development of graduate numbers
Number of bachelor’s degree graduates

The number of bachelor’s degree graduates was 1,678 in 2022. It grew by about a hundred from 2021. Two thirds graduated as engineering or social and health care professionals.
Number of master’s degree graduates

The number of master’s degree graduates was 374 in 2022. Almost half of the master’s degrees were completed in social and health care.
Number of professional teacher education graduates

A total of 258 students completed professional teacher education in 2022. 221 students became professional teachers, 18 guidance counsellors and 19 special needs teachers.