Internationality in degree education

The number of international students grew by 32% and was a total of 933 in 2022. 901 international students studied in bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes and 32 in professional teacher education. The number of international students grew mostly thanks to the English Degree Programme in Nursing. More than three fourths (76%) of international students came from outside the EU/EEA countries.
Internationality is a part of TAMK’s all activities. In addition to studying in English degree programmes, all TAMK’s degree students can complete parts of their degree abroad. About two thirds of graduates experienced that they had good possibilities to complete practical training and/or student exchange abroad (source: AVOP survey).
Student mobility

As student mobilities, the number of staff mobilities gradually started to increase in 2022. There were very few mobilities in 2020 and 2021. In 2022, the number of outgoing staff rose to 265 and the number of incoming staff rose to 157. We are still very far from the level of 2019 with its 577 both outgoing and incoming staff mobilities.
The staff mobility statistics complies with the Ministry of Education and Culture’s criteria. Conference travels are not included. In 2022, there were 58 conference travels.
Staff mobility

The number of full-time international staff was 12.3 person-years in 2022. The number of international staff has not changed significantly during the past years.
International education sales

In 2022, incomes from both education export and tuition fees increased to over €2 million each or €4 million altogether. Education export more than doubled from the time before COVID-19 and 2021. Due to the growing number of foreign students, tuition fee incomes grew by more than €500,000 compared to 2021.