Depending on the industry, entrepreneurs – including light entrepreneurs – need various accident and liability insurance policies. For entrepreneurs, risks related to their health and the company’s finances are greater than for salaried workers. If those risks materialise, all business activities may temporarily cease.

Voluntary but important insurances for entrepreneurs include accident, liability, legal expenses and business interruption insurance. Insuring the company’s property and premises is also smart. There are also industry-specific insurances, some of which are mandatory. Entrepreneurs who employ other people are obliged to provide their employees with workers’ compensation insurance which is accompanied by employees’ group life insurance payments.

If a company owns motor vehicles, they have to be insured by a mandatory motor liability insurance. Private insurance companies (If, Ilmarinen, Fennia, LähiTapiola, OP-Pohjola, Turva, etc.) offer various insurances for entrepreneurs and consultation with choosing them.