
Doing together bears fruit

One of the main objectives of Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ new strategy for 2030 is to use the universities community’s competitive advantages. Achievement of our critical success factor objectives also calls for increasing TAMK’s competitive strength in the universities community constituted with Tampere University.

One way to use the universities community’s competitive strengths is work distribution in production of internal services. In April 2020, TAMK’s Information Management was transferred to Tampere University. TAMK took the university’s Facilities Management and Sports Services into its service production.

Volume growth improves the development ability and reduces risks caused by personification. Cost effectiveness also increases through joint purchase services and purchases.

Cooperation and fast reacting helped to overcome the crisis year

2020 was dominated by coping with the operational changes related to the corona pandemic. The universities community managed the crisis together. Thanks to quick and wide-ranging restrictions, the number of infections remained extremely low compared with the size of our community. Student and staff wellbeing was however put to the test as the immediate community’s support was limited to digital communication. The pandemic forced us to take a digital leap which put personal wellbeing and competence development skills into test. Fortunately, the new solutions and competences can also be applied after the corona pandemic. We followed how the situation developed through health care services and surveys and developed new ways to prevent problems.

TAMK’s Education and Learning Services offered support for students’ studies, wellbeing and career planning remotely and face to face. For example, in spring 2020 student counsellors contacted all students who hoped for a personal contact in a made survey. Student counsellors also mentored teacher tutors on how to group and counsel students and follow their academic progress during the remote studies.

Student feedback on wellbeing counselling was very positive.

The universities community’s student wellbeing programme for 2020–2024 was finished in May 2020. The programme measures aim at student wellbeing and good study experiences. A wide group of the universities community’s students, teachers, other staff and cooperation partners participated in the programme preparation.

Business life partner

Tampere Universities are an important partner for Tampere Region business life in development of staff competence. Discussion on the future raised an acute need: traditional education provision models – ready education packages and paths or education calendars – do not work in continuing education for organisations. Common will created the Bazaar concept. The Bazaar concept is an ecosystem and a digital platform that bring together demand and supply.

Text: Mikko Naukkarinen, Deputy Managing Director. Editing: TAMK Communications Services. Photo: Jonne Renvall


Read more about development and cooperation at TAMK and Tampere Universities community

International blog: Supporting international students during self-quarantine