
Publications by Kaarle Nordenstreng


1. Books, anthologies, research reports and edited journal issues

Of the total of about 100, below are listed in chronological order those published in English.

Toward Quantification of Meaning: An Evaluation of the Semantic Differential Technique. Helsinki: Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae, 1969. (Doctoral dissertation; summary monograph 35 pp. with four published articles 62 pp.)

Changes in Meaning of the Semantic Differential Scales: A Measurement of Concept-scale and Subject-scale Interaction Effects. Tampere: University of Tampere, Research Institute B 13, 1969. (24 pp.)

Methods of Studying the Size and Composition of Radio and Television Audience: A Comparison (with Anna-Marja Nurminen and Pertti Suhonen). Helsinki: Finnish Broadcasting Company, Research Reports from the Section for Long-Range Planning  8/1969. (22 pp.)

Transformation Analysis of Statistical Variables: An Introduction to Group-theoretical Ideas into Multivariate Analysis (with Yrjö Ahmavaara). Helsinki: Westermarck Society, Transactions 17/1970. (104 pp.)

Report on a Round Table “Communication 1980” on Mass Communication Research and Policy (editor). Helsinki: Finnish National Commission for Unesco and Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1970. (53 pp.)

Informational Mass Communication: A Collection of Essays (editor). Helsinki: Tammi, 1973. (198 pp.)

Television Traffic – A One-Way Street? A Survey and Analysis of the International Flow of Television Programme Material (with Tapio Varis). Paris: Unesco Reports and Papers on Mass Communication 70/1974. (62 pp.)

Approaching Mass Media Education through Communication Research (with Yrjö Littunen and Sirkka Minkkinen). Tampere: University of Tampere, Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication 22/1974. (54 pp.)

The Spirit of Helsinki and the Public Information Media of Yugoslavia and Finland (editor with Aleksandar Spasic). Belgrade: Yugoslav Institute of Journalism and Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Tampere, 1977. (99 pp.)

National Sovereignty and International Communication. A Reader (editor with Herbert Schiller). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1979. (286 pp.)

The Mass Media Declaration of UNESCO (with Lauri Hannikainen). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1984. (475 pp.)

Two Seminars on IPDC (editor). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 16, 1985. (100 pp.)

Foreign News in the Media: International Reporting in 29 Countries (with Annabelle Sreberny-Mohammadi et al.). Paris: Unesco Reports and Papers on Mass Communication 93/1985. (95 pp.)

Useful Recollections: Excursions into the History of the International Movement of Journalists, Part 1 (with Jiri Kubka). Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1986. (121 pp.)

International Communication and Confidence-building in Europe: Report of the First Leipzig-Tampere Seminar on Confidence-building in Non-Military Field, Leipzig 14-15 May 1986 (editor with Wolfgang Kleinwächter). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 20, 1986. (130 pp.)

New International Information and Communication Order: Sourcebook (with Enrique Gonzales Manet and Wolfgang Kleinwächter; Foreword by Sean MacBride). Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1986. (392 pp.)

Tanzania and the New Information Order: A Case Study of Africa’s Second Struggle (with Nkwabi Ng’wanakilala). Dar es Dalaam: SHIHATA, 1987. (54 pp.)

Promotion of Textbooks for the Training of Journalists in Anglophone Africa: Final Report of an IPDC Project (with Kwame Boafo). Budapest: Hungarian Radio, Mass Communication Research Centre. IAMCR Occasional Papers 5/1988. (46 pp.)

Useful Recollections: Excursions into the History of the International Movement of Journalists, Part 2 (with Jiri Kubka). Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1988. (193 pp.)

Nordic-SADCC Media Seminar Proceedings: Harare, Zimbabwe, 16-19 September 1988 (editor). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 26, 1988. (209 pp.)

Human Rights, Communication and Culture: Report of the Second Leipzig-Tampere Seminar on Confidence-building in Non-Militart Field, Tampere 1988 (editor with Wolfgang Kleinwächter). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 28, 1988. (118 pp.)

Journalist: Status, Rights and Responsibilities (editor with Hifzi Topuz). Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1989. (317 pp.)

International Security and Humanitarian Cooperation in the Reunited Europe: Report of the Third Leipzig-Tampere Seminar on Confidence-building in the Non-Military Field, Leipzig 1990 (editor with Wolfgang Kleiwächter). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 32, 1990. (150 pp.)

Promotion of Educational Materials for Communication Studies: Report of Phase I of UNESCO/IPDC Interregional Project by IAMCR/AIERI (editor with Michael Traber). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 34, 1991. (126 pp.)

CSCE and Information; Proceedings of a Seminar of Experts, Tampere, April 24-27, 1992 (editor with Wolfgang Kleinwächter). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 36, 1992. (187 pp.)

Few Voices, Many Worlds: Towards a Media Reform Movement (editor with Michael Traber). London: World Association for Christian Communication, 1992. (79 pp.)

The Global Media Debate: Its Rise, Fall, and Renewal (editor with George Gerbner and Hamid Mowlana). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1993. (190 pp.)

Beyond National Sovereignty: International Communication in the 1990s (editor with Herbert Schiller). Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1993. (483 pp.)

Special Issue on Media Flows and Monitoring with Focus on Racism and Xenpophobia (editor with Jukka Pietiläinen). The Electronic Journal of Communication/La Revue Electronique de Communication (EJC/REC), 2-3/1995.

Special Issue on Media Ethics (editor). European Journal of Communication, 4/1995. (pp. 435-558)

Reports on Media Ethics in Europe (editor). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication B 41, 1995. (129 pp.)

Inventory of Textbooks in Communication Studies around the World: Final Report of the Project (editor). Tampere: University of Tampere, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication C 26, 1998.

Towards Equity in Global Communication: MacBride Update (editor with Richard Vincent and Michael Traber). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press, 1999. (380 pp.)

International Media Monitoring (editor with Michael Griffin). Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton, 1999. (452 pp.)

Russian Media Challenge (editor with Elena Vartanova and Yassen Zassoursky, Prologue by Mikhail Gorbachev). Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute, 2001. (292 pp.) Second printing, 2002 (251 pp.)

The Information Society Reader (editor with Frank Webster et al.). London and New York: Routledge, 2004. (449 pp.)

Researching Media, Democracy and Participation. The intellectual work of the 2006 European media and communication doctoral summer school (editor with Nico Carpentier et al.). Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2006. (311 pp.)

Media Technologies and Democracy in an Enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school (editor with Nico Carpentier et al.). Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2007. (422 pp.)

Democracy, Journalism and Technology: New Developments in an Enlarged Europe. The intellectual work of the 2008 European media and communication doctoral summer school (editor with Nico Carpentier et al.). Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2008. (430 pp.)

Normative Theories of the Media: Journalism in Democratic Societies (with Clifford G. Christians, Theodore L. Glasser, Denis McQuail and Robert A. White). Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2009. (296 pp.)

Russian Mass Media and Changing Values (editor with Arja Rosenholm and Elena Trubina). Milton Park: Routledge, 2010. (240 pp.)

Communication Theories in a Multicultural World (editor with Clifford Christians). New York: Peter Lang, 2014. (325 pp.)

Mapping BRICS Media (editor with Daya Thussu). Milton Park: Routledge, 2015. (272 pp.)

Towards Equity in Global Communication? (editor with Richard C. Vincent). New York: Hampton Press, 2016. (324 pp.)

A History of the International Movement of Journalists: Professionalism Versus Politics (with Ulf Jonas Björk, Frank Beyersdorf, Svennik Høyer and Epp Lauk). Houndmills, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. (274 pp.)

Special Issue on Histories of Collaboration and Dissent: Journalists’ Associations Squeezed by Political System Changes (editor with Epp Lauk). Media and Communication, Vol. 5, 3/2017. (pp. 67-106)

Special Section on Journalism Education in the BRICS Countries (editor). Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Vol. 72, 3/2017. (pp. 260-321)

The Rise and Fall of the International Organization of Journalists Based in Prague 1946-2016. Useful Recollections Part III. Prague: Charles University Press Karolinum, 2020. (546 pp.)

BRICS Media Reshaping the Global Communication Order? (editor with Daya Thussu). Milton Park: Routledge, 2021. (312 pp.)

Basics of IAMCR History – third edition (with Cees Hamelink). Online at, September 2022. (69 pp.)

Coverage of the Russia-Ukraine War by Television News in Nine Countries (editor). Tampere University open access library, April 2023. (176 pp.)


2. Journal articles, book chapters and teaching materials

Of the total of over 300, below are listed in chronological order those issued in English. The list is nearly comprehensive since 1990, earlier are included only selectively. Own chapters in edited volumes listed above are not included.

Communication Research in the United States: A Critical Perspective. Gazette, 3/1968, 207-216.
Original interviews with Bernard Berelson (mp3) and Harold Lasswell (mp3)

Comments on “Gratifications Research” in Broadcasting. The Public Opinion Quarterly, Spring 1970, 130-132.

Comprehension and Interest in Radio Programs (with Osmo A. Wiio). Journalism Quarterly, Autumn 1970, 564-566.

Policy Planning – A Finnish solution to broadcaster/researcher co-operation. In J.D. Halloran & M. Gurevitch (eds.), Broadcaster/Researcher Co-operation in Mass Communication Research. A report on an International Seminar held at the University of Leicester, England, December 17th – 21st 1970. Leicester: Centre for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, 1971, 148-158

Policy for News Transmission. In D. McQuail (ed.), Sociology of Mass Communications. London: Penguin, 1972, 386-405.

The Nonhomogeneity of the National State and the International Flow of Communication (with Tapio Varis). In G. Gerbner, L.P. Gross & W.H. Melody (eds.), Communications Technology and Social Policy. Understanding the New “Cultural Revolution”. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1973, 393-412.

Recent Developments in European Communications Theory. In H-D. Fischer & J. Merrill (eds.), International and Intercultural Communication. New York: Hastings House, 1976, 457-465. Also in B. Ruben (ed.), Communication Yearbook I, New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Books & ICA, 1977, 73-78.

Helsinki: The New Equation (with Herbert I. Schiller). Journal of Communication, Winter 1976, 130-134.

Détente and Exchange of Information Between East and West. Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy 1975. Helsinki: Finnish Institute of International Relations, 1976, 57-65.

From Mass Media to Mass Consciousness. In G. Gerbner (ed.), Mass Media Policies in Changing Cultures. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977, 269-283.

Why Communication Policies? In Bulletin of the Institute for Communication Research. Tokyo: Keio University 1978, 1-11.

The Paradigm of a Totality, in C. Hamelink (ed.), Communication in the Eighties: A Reader on the “MacBride Report”. Rome : IDOC International, 1980, pp. 9-16. Also in C. Whitney, E. Wartella & S. Windahl (eds.), Mass Communication Review Yearbook , Vol. 3, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1982, pp. 241-249.

New International Directions: A Nonaligned Viewpoint. In R. Haigh & G. Gerbner & R. Byrne (eds.), Communication in the Twenty-first Century. New York: Wiley, 1981, 192-199.

Defining the New International Information Order. In G. Gerbner & M. Siefert (eds.), World Communications: A Handbook. New York & London: Longman, 1984, 28-36.

Preface. In NAM & NIICO. Documents of the Non-Aligned Movement on the New International Information and Communication Order (1986-1987). Prague: International Organization of Journalists, 1988,

The New International Information and Communications Order (with Wolfgang Kleinwächter). In M. Asante & W. Gudykunst (eds.), Handbook of International and Intercultural Communication. Newbury Park: Sage, 1989, 87-113.

Theoretical Convergencies and Contrasts: A View from Finland (with Veikko Pietilä and Tarmo Malmberg). European Journal of Communication, 2-3/1990, 165-185.

The NWICO Movement: A Balance Sheet. In H-D. Kang (ed.), Changing International Order in North-East Asia and Communication Policies. Seoul: NANAM Publishing House, 1992, 33-42.

The New Information Order and Communication Scholarship: Reflections on a Delicate Relationship. In W. Mosco & J. Wasco & M. Pendakur (eds.), Illuminating the Blindspots. Essays Dedicated to Dallas W. Smythe. Norwood, N.J.: Ablex, 1993, 251-273.

The Unesco Expert Panel with the Benefit of Hindsight. In C. Hamelink & O. Linne (eds.), Mass Communication Research. On Problems and Policies. In Honor of James D. Halloran. Norwood N.J.: Ablex, 1994, 3-19.

The Journalist: A Walking Paradox. In P. Lee (ed.), The Democratization of Communication. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1995, 114-129.

Media Scholar Between Science and Politics. In J. Lehtonen (ed.), Critical Perspectives on Communication Research and Pedagogy. St.Ingbert: Röhring Universitätsverlag, 1995, 189-193.

The NWICO Debate. In O. Boyd-Barrett (ed.), MA in Mass Communications by Distance Learning (Module Four, Unit 20). University of Leicester, 1995. (50 pp.)

Beyond the Four Theories of the Press. In J. Servaes & R. Lee (eds.), Media & Politics in Transition: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization. Leuven: Acco, 1997, 97-109.

The Citizen Moves from the Audience to the Arena. Nordicom Review, 2/1997, 13-20.

Ethics and Professional Codes in Journalism: New Rules for the 21st Century. In Y. Zassoursky & E. Vartanova (eds.), Changing Media and Communications. Moscow: Faculty of Journalism / Publisher ICAR, 1998, 113- 129.

Professional Ethics: Between Fortress Journalism and Cosmopolitan Democracy. In K. Brants & J. Hermes & L. van Zoonen (eds.), The Media in Question. Popular Cultures and Public Interests. London: Sage, 1998, 124-134.

Inventory of Textbooks in Communication Studies Around the World (with Aggrey Brown). Javnost – The Public, 1/1998, 79-89. Also in S.R. Melkote & S. Rao (eds), Critical Issues in Communication. Looking Inward for Answers. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001, 458-472.

Hutchins Goes Global. Communication Law and Policy, 3/1998, 419-438.

Normative Theories of the Media: Lessons From Russia (with Jukka Pietiläinen). In Y. Zassoursky & E. Vartanova (eds.), Media, Communications and the Open Society. Moscow: Faculty of Journalism / Publisher IKAR, 1999, 146-159.

European Landscape of Media Self-regulation. In Freedom and Responsibility. Yearbook 1998/99. Vienna: OSCE Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media, 1999, 169-185.

Go or No Go? IAMCR as NGO. IAMCR Newsletter, Vol. 9, 1/1999, 8-9.

Mass Communication. In G. Browning & A. Halcli & F. Webster (eds.), Understanding Contemporary Society. Theories of the Present. London: Sage, 2000, 328-342.

The Structural Context of Media Ethics: How Media Are Regulated in Democratic Society. In B. Pattyn (ed.), Media Ethics. Opening Social Dialogue. Leuven: Peeters, 2000, 69-86.

Media and Democracy: What is Really Required? In J. van Cuilenburg & R. van der Wurff (eds.), Media & Open Societies: Cultural, Economic and Policy Foundations for Media Openness and Diversity in East and West. Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000, 29-47.

Media and Democracy: Do We Know What to Do? Television & New Media, 1/2001, 57-63.

Role of the Media in Society: Lessons From Russia. In Y. Zassoursky & E. Vartanova (eds.), Media for the Open Society. Moscow: Faculty of Journalism / IKAR Publisher, 2001, 216-224.

Epilogue. In N. Morris & S. Waisbord (eds.), Media and Globalization. Why the State Matters. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001, 155-160.

Independence & Ethics in Journalism: A Northern View. In J. Mukela (ed.), Essays and Conversations on Media & Democracy. Maputo: NSJ Trust, Mozambique, 2001, 100-118.

So What? Reflections on the Study of Information Society. In E. Karvonen (ed.), Informational Societies. Understanding the Third Industrial Revolution. Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2001, 279-284.

What Was the Task of the Media After All? In S. Eskelinen, T. Saranen & T. Tuhkio (eds.), Spanning the Boundaries of Communication. International Colloquium in Jyväskylä 14.2.2001. Jyväskylä: Publications of the Department of Communication, University of Jyväskylä, 25/2002, 89-94.

Media Ethics in Europe. Communicator (New Delhi), 2/2002, 13-20. Also in R. Ottosen & T. Roksvold (eds.), Presseetisk front. Festschrift til Odd Raum. Oslo: Hoyskoleforlagget, 2003, 89-101.

Something to Be Done: Transnational Media Monitoring. In K. Hafez (ed.), Media Ethics in the Dialogue of Cultures. Journalistic Self-Regulation in Europe, the Arab World, and Muslim Asia. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, German Institute for Middle East Studies, 2003, 215-227. Also as Afterword in R.D. Berenger (ed.), Global Media Go to War. Role of News and Entertainment Media During the 2003 Iraq War. Spokane, WA: Marquette Books, 2004, 343-352.

Social Responsibility Worldwide (with Clifford Christians). Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 1/2004, 3-28.

Journalism in Search of a New Beginning in Information Society. In Z. Guo (ed.), Globalization and Intercultural Communication (in Chinese). Beijing: Beijing Broadcasting Institute Press, 2004, 139-151.

Ferment in the Field: Notes on the Evolution of Communication Studies and Its Disciplinary Nature. Javnost – The Public, 3/2004, 5-18.

Finland. In H. Newcomb (ed.), Encyclopedia of Television, 2nd ed. New York & London: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers (in cooperation with Museum of Broadcast Communications), 2004, 877-880.

The Forgotten History of Global Communication Negotiations at the League of Nations. In D. Stauffacher & W. Kleinwächter (eds.), The World Summit on the Information Society: Moving from the Past into the Future. New York: United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force (ICT Task Force Series 8), 2005, 119-124.

A Milestone in the Great Media Debate. Quardens del CAC (Consell de l’Audiovisual de Catalunya, Catalonia Broadcasting Council), No. 21/2005 , 45-48.

From NWICO to WSIS: Another World Information and Communication Order? (with Claudia Padovani). Global Media and Communication, 3/2005, 264-272.

Media System of Finland (with Olli Ylönen, Ari Heinonen et al.). In Co-Regulation Measures in the Media Sector, 1st step: Comprehensive Country Reports. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut, 2005, 127-141.

Co-operative Regulatory Systems in the Media Sector of Finland (with Olli Ylönen and Ari Heinonen). In Co-Regulation Measures in the Media Sector, 2nd step: Reports On Possible Co-Regulatory System. Hamburg: Hans-Bredow-Institut, 2005, 200-221.

Media and Society: In Search of Models [in Russian “SMI i obshchestvo: Modeli vzaimodeistvii”]. In Y.N. Zassoursky & O.M. Zdravomyslova (eds.), Glasnost i zhurnalistika 1985-2005 [Glasnost and Journalism 1985-2005], Moscow: Gorbachev Foundation & Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, 2006, 168-177. In English as Mapping out Media Models: Gorbachev’s Challenge. In Elena Vartanova (ed.), Media and Change, Moscow: MediaMir, 2007, 95-102.

Finland: High Season for Self-regulation (with Ari Heinonen) [in Swedish “Finland: högsesong för självreglering”]. In Olof Pettersson (ed.), Medieetik under debatt. Stockholm: SNS Förlag, 2006, 277-288.

Great Media and Communication Debates – WSIS and the MacBride Report (with Robin Mansell). Information Technologies and International Development, Vol. 3, 4/2006, 15-36.

Measuring and Assessing Empirical Media Diversity: Some European Cases (with Minna Aslama, Els De Bens, Jan van Cuilenburg, Winfried Schulz and Richard van der Wurff with contributions from Ildiko Kovats, Gianpietro Mazzoleni and Ralph Negrine). In E. de Bens (ed.), Media between Culture and Commerce. Changing Media, Changing Europe Series, Volume 4. Bristol, UK. Intellect Ltd., 2007, 55-98.

Towards Democratic Media Governance (with Cees J. Hamelink). In E. de Bens (ed.), Media between Culture and Commerce. Changing Media, Changing Europe Series, Volume 4. Bristol, UK. Intellect Ltd., 2007, 225-240.

Discipline or Field? Soul-searching in Communication Research. Nordicom Review, Vol. 28, Jubilee Issue 2007, 211-222.

Myths About Press Freedom. Brazilian Journalism Research, Vol. 3, 1/2007, 15-30.

IAMCR as NGO. IAMCR Newsletter, Vol. 17, 1/2007, 3-4.

A Short History of IAMCR (with Cees Hamelink). In IAMCR in Retrospect 1957-2007. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris Nord, 2007, 5-26.

Back to Basics. Australian Journalism Review, Vol. 29, 2/2007, 3-4.

Institutional Networking: The Story of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR). In David W. Park and Jefferson Pooley (eds.), The History of Media and Communication Research: Contested Memories, New York: Peter Lang, 2008, 225-48.

Communication Research and Politics. In W. Donsbach (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Communication. Malden, MA & Oxford, UK, Blackwell Publishing, 2008, 808-811.

Cultivating Journalist for Peace. In Philip Lee (ed.), Communicating Peace: Entertaining Angels Unawares. Penang: Southbound, 2008, 63-80.

Soul-searching at the Crossroads of Journalism Education. Media Development, Vol. 55, 3/2008, 38-42.

A Renaissance on the Horizon! Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, Vol. 10, 3/2009, 356-357.

Media Studies as an Academic Discipline. In Daya Kishan Thussu (ed.), Internationalizing Media Studies. New York: Routledge, 2009, 254-266.

Conclusions: Soul-searching at the Crossroads of European Journalism Education. In Georgios Terzis (ed.), European Journalism Education. Bristol: Intellect, 2009, 511-517.

Media as a Mirror of Change (with Jukka Pietiläinen). In Tomi Huttunen and Mikko Ylikangas (eds.), Witnessing Change in Contemporary Russia, Kikimora Publication Series B 38. Helsinki: Aleksanteri Institute, 2010, 136-158.

The Russian Media System: Something Special? In Elena Vartanova (ed.), Content, Channels and Audiences in the New Millenium: Interactions and Interrelations. Moscow: Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosow Moscow State University, 2010, 183-186.

National, Global, Regional – Where is the Core of the Nordic Communication Research (with Ullamaija Kivikuru). In Thorbjörn Broddason et al. (eds.), The Nordic Countries and the World: Perspectives from Research on Media and Communication. Göteborgs studier i journalistik och masskommunikation 61. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet, 2010, 105-124.

Liberating Freedom from Libertarian Myths. In Robert Fortner and Mark Fackler (eds.), Ethics & Evil in the Public Sphere. Media, Universal Values & Global Development. Essays in honor of Clifford G. Christians. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2010, 207-218.

Self-regulation: A Contradiction in Terms? Discussing Constituents of Journalistic Responsibility. In Horst Pöttker & Christian Schwarzenegger (Hrsg.), Europäische Öffentlichkeit und journalistische Verantwortung. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, 2010, 417-438.

MacBride Report as a Culmination of NWICO. Les Enjeux de l’information et la communication, Supplément 2010 A (Special issue 30 yeas after the MacBride Report). University of Grenoble (Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3), Groupe de Recherche Sur les Enjeux de la Communication (GRESEC), 2010.

Free Flow Doctrine in Global Media Policy. In Robin Mansell & Marc Raboy (eds.), The Handbook of Global Media and Communication Policy. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 79-94.

Lost in Abundance? Reflections on Disciplinarity. In Barbie Zelizer (ed.), Making the University Matter. New York: Routledge, 2011, 194-205.

The New World Information and Communication Order: Testimony of an Actor. In Frank Deppe, Wolfgang Meixner & Günter Pallaver (eds.), Widerworte. Philosophie Politik Kommunikation. Festschrift für Jörg Becker. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press, 2011, 227-237.

The History of NWICO and its Lessons. In Divina Frau-Meigs et al. (eds.) From NWICO to WSIS. 30 Years of Communication Geopolitics: Actors and Flows, Structures and Divides. Bristol, UK: Intellect, 2012, 29-40.

The New World Information and Communication Order: An Idea That Refuses to Die. In John Nerone (ed.), Media History and the Foundations of Media Studies, Volume 1 of Angharad N. Valdivia (ed.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 477-499.

Lessons Learned from the NWICO Process. Xiandai Chuanbo (in Chinese “Modern Communication”, journal of the Communication University of China), 6/2013, 64-68.

How the New World Order and Imperialism Challenge Media Studies. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, Vol. 11, 2/2013, 348-358.

Deconstructing Libertarian Myths About Press Freedom. In Ulla Carlsson (ed.), Freedom of Expression Revisited. Citizenship and Journalism in the Digital Era. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2013, 45-59.

The International Movement of Journalists: 120 Years of Continuing Struggle. In Füsun Özbilgen (ed.), Hifzi Topuz’a Armagan Kitabi. Iletisimin Devrim Yillari [In Turkish, Hizfi Topuz Festschrift. The revolutionary years of communication]. Istanbul: ILAD Hiperlink, 2014, 125-163.

Finland: The Rise and Fall of a Democratic Subsidy Scheme (with Hannu Nieminen and Timo Harjuniemi). In Paul Murschetz (ed.), State Aid for Newspapers: Theories, Cases, Actions. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2014, 179-194.

Significance of Nordicom and the Nordmedia Conference to Nordic Media and Communication Research. Nordicom Review, Vol. 35 Special Issue 2014, 19-20.

History of the International Movement of Journalists: Shifting Drives of Profession, Labor, and Politics (with Frank Beyersdorf). In Richard Maxwell (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Labor and Media. New York: Routledge, 2015, 217-229.

Being (Truly) Critical in Media and Communication Studies: Reflections of a Media Scholar Between Science and Politics. Javnost – The Public,l Vol. 23, 1/2016, 89-104.

Liberate Freedom from its Ideological Baggage! In Ulla Carlsson (ed.), Freedom of Expression and Media in Transition: Studies and Reflections in the Digital Age. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2016, 61-65.

Freedom of Speech in Finland 1766-2016: A Byproduct of Political Struggles. In Ulla Carlsson and David Goldberg (eds.), The Legacy of Peter Forsskål: 250 Years of Freedom of Expression. Gothenburg: Nordicom, 2017, 71-91.

A Different Window to Common Concerns: Editorial to BRICS Special Section. Journalism and Mass Communication Educator, Vol. 72, 3/2017, 260-262.

Journalists’ Associations as Political Instruments in Central and Eastern Europe. Editorial to Special Issue with Epp Lauk. Media and Communication, Vol. 5, 3/2017, 67-69.

The Story of Journalist Organizations in Czechoslovakia (with Markéta Ševčíková). Media and Communication, Vol. 5, 3/2017, 95-102.

Truth: More Valid than Ever. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, Vol 20, 1/2019, 52-55.

Historicizing and Theorizing Media and Cultural Imperialism (with Marko Ampuja and Juha Koivisto). In Oliver Boyd-Barrett and Tanner Mirrlees (eds.), Media Imperialism: Continuity and Change. Lanham, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019, 31-44.

Media and the Cold War: The East/West Conflict (with Michael Meyen, Carlos Barrera and Walery Pisarek). Chapter 11 in Klaus Arnold, Paschal Preston and Susanne Kinnebrock (eds.), The Handbook of European Communication History. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, 2020.

The Challenge of the BRICS Countries: Overview of an International Project. Novos Olhares, Vol. 9, 1/2020, 114-119.

One Perspective on 2020. IAMCR Newsletter June 2020.

Revisiting 45 Years of History in Communication Policies (with Juan Somavia). Media Development, Vol. LXVII, 2/2021, 5-10.

Introduction: Overview of the Institutional History of IAMCR (with Cees J. Hamelink). Chapter 1 in Jörg Becker and Robin Mansell (eds.), Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research. Many Voices. One Forum. Cham (Swizerland): Springer Nature / Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 1-5.

IAMCR and Russia. Chapter 19 in Jörg Becker and Robin Mansell (eds.), Reflections on the International Association for Media and Communication Research. Many Voices. One Forum. Cham (Switzerland): Springer Nature / Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 285-299.

Coverage of the Russia-Ukraine War by Television News (with Svetlana Pasti, Tao Zhang et al.). International Journal of Communication, Vol. 17, 2023, 6857–6873.


3. Conference papers and presentations in various platforms

Comprehensive since 2010, earlier are included only selectively.

A Portrayal of Youth in an Industrial Society: A Noisy Communication Channel for the Transmission of Cultural Tradition. Paper presented at conference “Youth and Change in Industrial Society: The Problem of Generations”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 15-18 October 1970. (20 pp.)

Idealism, Aggression, Apology, and Criticism: The Four Traditions of Research in ‘International Communication’ (with Heikki Hellman and Tapio Varis). Paper presented at the XII Conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research (IAMCR), Caracas, August 1980. (15 pp.)

Address at the United Nations General Assembly, Special Session on Disarmament, on behalf of the International Organization of Journalists, New York, 24 June 1982. (3 pp.) Video recording

The League of Nations and the Mass Media: Rediscovery of a Forgotten Story (with Tarja Seppä). Paper presented at the XV Conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research IAMCR, New Delhi, August 1986. (17 pp.)

Estonian-Finnish Bridges of Journalism and Media Education. Address at the 50th anniversary conference of media studies in the University of Tartu, 22-23 May 2004

Co-Regulatory Measures in the Media Sector – a promising tool? Presentation at Seminar on Co-Regulation Measures in the Media Sector in the European Commission, Brussels, 28 April 2005 (pp. 11-19).

Disciplining Disciplines? Reflections on Media Studies. Presentation in Symposium “Making the University Matter” at the Annenberg School of Communication, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 4-5 December 2009. (25 pp.)

MacBride Report as a Culmination of NWICO. Keynote presentation at International Colloquium “Communication et changement social en Afrique”, Université Stendhal, Grenoble 3, 27-29 January 2010. (27 pp.)

Curricula in Journalism Education. Panel coordinator at the 2nd World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC-2), Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 5-7 July 2010.

Searching for the Constituents of Media Systems. Presentation in IAMCR Panel on Comparative Global Media Research at 3rd ECREA European Communication Conference, Hamburg, 12-15 October 2010.

Shanghai Expo and China in Foreign Media: A View from Finland. Presentation at the Fourth World Forum of China Studies convened by the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, 6-7 November 2010.

The New World Information and Communication Order: Testimony of an Actor. Presentation in round table at International Colloquium “30 years of communication geopolitics: actors and flows, structures and divides”, Paris, 19 November 2010.

The New World Information and Communication Order: An Idea that Refuses to Die. Presentation in panel “The MacBride Report at 31: The Politics of Connectivity, Creativity, and Democratization” at IAMCR Conference, Istanbul, 13-17 July 2011.

The Long Passage of History: The Evolution of Professionalism among Journalists and Their International Contacts. Presentation at International Readings in Mass Media and Communication. Moscow 10-12 November 2011.

Stages of Development of Communication in the Public Sector. Presentation at Nordic Conference on Legal Informatics, Rovaniemi 23-25 November 2011.

The Fantastic Growth of Communication Research since the 1950s — But for What? Keynote lecture at International Conference “50 Years of Communication Research in Local and Global Contexts”, Cairo, 13-15 December 2011. See also interview in Cairo by Jan Servaes

The Russian Media System in the Context of BRICS (with Svetlana Pasti). Presentation at BASEES Annual Conference, Cambridge, 31 March – 2 April 2012.

In Search of Historical Roots of the Information Society. Presentation at 4th ICT and Society Conference 2012 Uppsala, 2-4 May 2012.

Historical Context of Media Studies. Keynote address at NAMMI Conference, Moscow, 8 June 2012.

Soviet-Finnish Scholarly Exchanges in the Field of Communication Research. Presentation at Roundtable in international conference East-West Cultural Exchanges and the Cold War, Jyväskylä, 14-16 June 2012.

Russia in BRICS. Presentation in special session “Global Communications – BRICS and Beyond” at IAMCR conference, Durban, 16-19 July 2012.

What Has the Information Society Done to the Law? (with Ahti Saarenpää). Presentation in the Law Section at IAMCR conference, Durban, 16-19 July 2012.

A Historical Perspective on the Co-operation of the Nordic Journalism Teachers. Presentation at Nordic Conference of Journalism Teachers, Murikka (Tampere), 23-24 August 2012.

Communication Research Has Expanded Phenomenally since the 1950s, But Where Has It Taken Us? Visiting lecture at the City University of Hong Kong, Department of Media & Communication, Hong Kong, 3 September 2012.

Journalism as a Profession: An impossible Equation? (with Ullamaija Kivikuru). Presentation at Matters of Journalism: Understanding Professional Challenges and Dilemmas, Gdansk, 14-15 September 2012.

Lessons learned from the NWICO history. Presentation at International Conference on Communication and Power Shifts, Beijing, 12-13 October 2012.

Communication Research Has Expanded Phenomenally since the 1950s, But Where Has It Taken Us? Paper and figure at EURICOM Colloquium, Piran (Slovenia), 16-17 November 2012.

Introduction to theme Legal Framework for Media Freedom. Presentation at Human Dimension Seminar on the Media Freedom Legal Framework of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Warsaw, 13-15 May 2013.

How BRICS Pushes to Change the Conventional Paradigms in Communication Studies: Power Shifts Shaking Research Paradigms. Presentation at ICA Pre-conference “The BRICS Nations: Between National Identity and Global Citizenship”, London, 17 June 2013.

“The Paradigm of a Totality”. My Critical Reading of the MacBride Report in 1980 – and 33 years later. Presentation at IAMCR conference, Dublin, 25-29 June 2013.

From the Idea of Information Society to Mapping Media in the BRICS countries. Presentation at Rhodes Forum, Rhodes (Greece), 2-6 October 2013.

Tolerance and pluralism as eternal issues in media politics. Keynote address at conference ”Intercultural communication in the modern world: the role of the mass media”, Federal University of Ekaterinburg, 16 April 2014.

Reflections of a veteran. Keynote presentation at conference 25 Years After: The Challenges of Building the Post-Communist Media and Communication Industries, Prague 20-22 November 2014.

Media and Communication as a Field of Research. Keynote presentation at conference Reframing Media/Cultural Studies in the Age of Global Crisis, University of Westminster, London 19-20 June 2015.

My highlights as IOJ President. Presentation at the IFJ World Congress, Angers (France) 7 June 2016.

European perspective to scholarship in mass communication and journalism. Presentation at the 4th World Journalism Education Congress, Auckland (New Zealand), 14 July 2016.

The rise and fall of the International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) (with Markéta Ševčíková). Presentation at the 6th European Communication Conference of ECREA, Prague, 12 November 2016.

International dimension of media ethics: The challenge for journalism education. Presentation at conference on the future of media ethics, University of Helsinki, 9 December 2016.

Photos through the Finnish lens. A photo album on Denis McQuail for his funeral in Chandlers Ford, Eastleigh, UK, 13 July 2017.

History of geopolitical changes. Presentation at the IAMCR conference closing session celebrating the 60th anniversary, Cartagena (Colombia), 20 July 2017.

Short introduction to the history of Nordic media research and conferences (with Tarmo Malmberg). Presentation at NORDMEDIA conference, Tampere, 17 August 2017. Video and slides.

Wilbur Schramm: A view from Finland. Presentation at Symposium in memory of Wilbur Schramm, Higher School of Economics in Moscow, 17 November 2017.

Big stories and small achievements. Keynote presentation at Conference “Ethics and Deontology of Journalism” of Portuguese-speaking countries, University of Coimbra (Portugal), 13 November 2018.

International communication, media and journalism research in the light of 70 years of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Presentation at Symposium, University of Passau (Germany), 15 November 2018.

Steering the International Organization of Journalists through Détente and Cold War. Presentation at Symposium on Fellow Travellers and ‘Useful Idiots’ from Lenin to Putin, University of Helsinki, 14 June 2019.

“Collaboration of the press in the organisation of peace: guiding public opinion towards moral disarmament.” The League of Nations exposing an important intellectual trend. Keynote presentation at Workshop on Transnational Communication History of the League of Nations, University of Bremen, 21 November 2019.

Opening and Unclosing Plenaries. Moderator at IAMCR online conference in Tampere, 12-17 July 2020.

The International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) in Prague before, during and after the Cold War. Online lecture in Charles University, 23 November 2021.

The International Organization of Journalists (IOJ) before, during and after the Cold War. Online lecture in Lomonosov Moscow State University, 30 November 2021.

How Come? Why Now? Finland’s Path to NATO Membership. Online webinar presentation at FinnFest USA, 18 June 2022. In addition to recording of the original video (1,5 hrs) there is a ‘print’ version of the presentation.

Big Narratives of the World and Media Studies. Presentation at 15th National Conference of Communication in China and 40th Anniversary Conference of Chinese Communication Studies, online in Beijing, 5 July 2022.

The Future of (IAMCR) Conferences. Panel presentation at Closing Plenary of IAMCR online conference in Beijing, 15 July 2022.

Does communication research and education take peace seriously? Panel presentation in IAMCR Conference Plenary “The contribution of academia to peace-building: Critique, creativity and activism” in Lyon, 11 July 2023.

Lessons from writing history including one’s own role as author: The case of IOJ. Presentation in Colloquium Prague’s International Organizations and the Global Cold War, Charles University, Prague, 3 November 2023.

Embracing the world out of order. Keynote presentation at 7th International Communication and Media Studies Conference “Peace-ing it Together: Reconsidering Communication, Community and the Media in the Anthropocene”, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, 4 April 2024.

Media and journalism in global turmoil (with Ullamaija Kivikuru). 14th conference of East African Communication Association (EACA) “Africa and the Global Dialogue on Media and Communication”, University of Dar es Salaam, 28 August 2024.