Electronic exam service TUNI EXAM replaces Tenttis

The new TUNI EXAM is being used at Tampere University (former TUT and UTA). https://exam.tuni.fi

For the time being, TAMK will continue to use TAMK EXAM but will join TUNI EXAM later. The Tenttis system used by the former UTA will continue to be used along with the new EXAM.

Tenttis exam rooms will be transformed into TUNI EXAM rooms according to user volume. The first TUNI EXAM room on the city centre campus will open in May (Pinni B 4122).

The substitution of Tenttis with EXAM will be flexibily undertaken in 2019-2020. If your exam is only valid in the academic year of 2019-2020, you may leave it in Tenttis. However, if your exams are new or the exam period is longer, create new exams to TUNI EXAM. The Vice President for Education has decided that maturity exams will also be organised as electronic exams as of 1 August 2019, meaning that it pays off to set them up on TUNI EXAM next autumn.

It is not technically possible to transfer exams from one system to the other. Instead, teachers set up the exams on EXAM themselves. When creating an exam, a teacher may define the period of validity, the length of the exam (30, 55, 115, 175 or 235 minutes) and use the maximum trial count to define the number of times a student can take the exam. It is possible to create for example listening exams and use available software during the exam in TUNI EXAM EXAM (https://sites.tuni.fi/exam-en/instructions/software/).

Because the necessary exam rooms already exist on the Hervanta campus, exams may already be created on TUNI EXAM.  Before the unification of the education administration systems, grades will be registered in the same way as on the Tenttis system. Make sure that students know on which system your exams are found.

This month Tampere University launches the new TUNI EXAM. Read more about the launching events: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/4180

The first TUNI EXAM training sessions are held in Finnish on Monday 20.5. at 14-15.30 (webinar, register) and on Thursday 23 May at 13.00-15.00 Pinni B 1096 (no registration). In addition, faculties organise training sessions as necessary, so look out for further information about them.

This is how to start using TUNI EXAM

  • Choose another browser than Internet Explorer.
  • Sign on EXAM with your TUNI basic user account https://exam.tuni.fi
  • All users log in via HAKA sign on: Users from the Tampere higher education community choose Tampere universities as their organisation.
  • New teacher users will automatically receive both the student and examiner roles upon their first log in.

Check instructions for teachers