New TUNI EXAM released:

  • New TUNI EXAM is now in use at Tampere University (old TUT and UTA). TAMK will continue to use TAMK EXAM and will migrate to TUNI EXAM later.
  • All data from old TUT EXAM has been migrated to new TUNI EXAM. At Hervanta campus, new TUNI EXAM will be used as before.
  • UTA Tenttis system is still available and will be used side by side with EXAM. Flexible transition from Tenttis to EXAM is planned during 2019-2020.
  • During this spring electronic examination room at City Centre Campus, Pinni B building will be converted to EXAM room.
  • Changes compared to old TUT EXAM: Login is possible only through HAKA login and all new staff users will be granted student and instructor roles automatically.
  • New features: Students can do EXAM exams at external institutions’ EXAM rooms, for example at Turku, Jyväskylä etc. If specific software is required to do the exam, verify the software is also available at external institution.