TUNI EXAM Quick Guide for Teachers

This is a quick guide for teaching staff on how to create and assess electronic examinations in the TUNI EXAM system. This guide covers briefly the following topics:

Electronic examinations and Sisu
Create a new exam
Add questions
Publish the exam
Assess submissions
Lock assessment
Entering an attainment
Archive completed exam

Electronic examinations and Sisu

If there is an electronic examination included in your course unit, you can create an assessment item and publish an implementation for the electronic examination in the study information system Sisu. In most cases, this is recommended. Select ”Exam” as the assessment item, attach an implementation to it and select ”Electronic exam” as the implementation type. You can also add the exam registration link that can be found in the TUNI EXAM system as the additional information on the implementation. More detailed instructions about creating the completion methods, assessment items and implementations can be found on Sisu-wiki.

All course units are exported from Sisu to TUNI EXAM system manually once a year in June. If new courses are created during the academic year, they can be added to TUNI EXAM upon request. Contact us by e-mail (exam@tuni.fi). Please notice that exporting new course units to TUNI EXAM may take up to two weeks. If you need to publish the electronic examination earlier in TUNI EXAM, you can use the general course codes EXAM-1 and EXAM-2.

Create new exam

  1. After login change the language to English from the bottom left corner of the site.
  2. Then go to the Desktop -view, which shows the overview of your exams.
  3. Press the Create new exam -button

Then select the exam type: either General exam or Personal exam. Personal exam can be used when the exam is only meant for a certain student/students, for example when it’s necessary to give a student extra time for the exam.

Fill in the exam info

  1. Search the course which the exam belongs to
  2. Set exam name (you do not need to repeat the course code in the exam name) and choose language
  3. Press Save

If needed, change the type of examination, grading scale, examiners, and evaluators.

Select special software/requirements and if needed, add additional materials as an attachment. If needed, compress multiple attachment files as one ZIP file.

Add instructions for students and Save changes.

Add questions

  1. Go to Questions -tab
  2. Set section name and if needed, add section description
  3. Press Add new question
  • NOTE! If the same question is included in multiple exams, editing the question will change it in all those exams though points and question instructions will not change.
  • Check additional instructions about question types 

If needed, add new sections

  • You can clear or remove a section by pressing the wrench symbol on right upper corner

Finally you can preview the exam as student sees it.

Publish the exam

  1. Go to Publish -tab
  2. Select exam period, when the exam can be taken. Also, set the exam duration.
  3. Select maximum trial count: 1-5 or unlimited
  4. Finally save and publish

Assess submissions

  1. Go to Study attainments -tab
  2. Click the submission to assess it

Assess (give points) the answers. You can also give verbal feedback

Setting the final grade

  1. Set exam grade, exam type, language and study points (credits).
  2. Finally Save changes 

Lock assessment and inform students

  1. After the submission has been assessed, select the submission
  2. Press Lock the selected submissions and inform the student -button. EXAM will send an automatic email to the student containing link to the assessment and feedback

Entering an attainment

Entering an attainment for an implementation, like electronic examination, is made manually in Sisu. Instructions for this can be found on Sisu-wiki. Do not archieve the attainments in TUNI EXAM before saving attainments to Sisu.

In the future it is also possible to export the attainments via CSV file for those who have registered in Sisu to the assessment item of the course. 

It is estimated that the Sisu-EXAM integration will be implemented for the academic year 2021-2022. After integration, the locked EXAM assessments will be exported to Sisu automatically.

Archive completed exam

If needed, make sure that grades are saved to study register before archiving.

  1. Select locked study attainments
  2. Finally archive selected study attainments. Archived exams will be deleted
    (anonymized) automatically from EXAM after two years.