
Mikko Naukkarinen.
Mikko Naukkarinen says co-development is the most effective in core-tasks.

Universities community develops impactfully in its core tasks

TAMK develops the universities community in Tampere together with Tampere University. Co-development is the most effective in core tasks: joint learning environments, joint research, development and innovation projects and regional and national development together with other organisations. We also produce centralised support services for each other. The persons interviewed in connection with TAMK’s external quality audit at the end of 2021 told that they were satisfied with the universities community’s joint services.

The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre granted TAMK a quality label for the following six years. In the audit report, TAMK was described as a skilled and inspiring work community which encourages its staff to co-development.

TAMK produces sport services and facilities management services worth over €7 million for Tampere University whereas TAMK buys purchasing, library, legal, travel, financial and information management services worth over €5.5 million from the university.

Cooperation has expanded and deepened the services. TAMK could not have produced them by itself.
– Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, audit report 2021

Quality of services produced for the whole universities community was agreed on to be followed. The follow-up takes place with service-specific feedbacks and indicators as well as an annual customer satisfaction survey. In the survey of 2020, the average overall grade was over 4 on the scale 1-5.

Based on my experience, I have been satisfied with the services. Things have worked and been done on time. Staff is friendly and cooperative.
– Survey on joint services of Tampere Universities community in 2021

A manifestation of cooperation was opening of Paidia in the new Nokia Arena in Tampere. It will showcase the higher education institutions’ gamification research and related applications for hundreds of thousands of people in the years to come.

The universities community’s Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC) continued to invest in development of digital pedagogy and strengthening of assessment competence in 2021. TLC organised and participated in diverse events around the universities community and discussed network cooperation with faculties and schools. Joint educational planning aims at creating cooperation between the higher education institutions, finding synergy benefits and avoiding overlapping work. The education calendar was planned to support both higher education institutions’ teaching and curriculum work.

Text: Mikko Naukkarinen, Service Director, Community Services
Editing: TAMK’s Communications and Marketing Services
Photo: Saara Lehtonen