Continuous Learning

Carita Prokki and Lea Yli-Koivisto.
"Competence needs of the changing working life are considered in our course provision", say Carita Prokki, Director of Business Operations and Internationalisation and Lea Yli-Koivisto, Head of Continuous Learning.

Continuous learning is needed in the changing world

In 2021, continuous learning faced challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Customers’ needs and safety combined with monthly changing authorities’ recommendations called for constant balancing. Nonetheless, TAMK’s Tree – Continuing Education Services awarded approximately 2,500 certificates. The large number included educations both in Finland and abroad. It tells about the need for continuous learning in the changing world.

I think the education was excellent. I had many good and useful tools and ideas for my daily work. The school has good facilities and settings and it is easy to search for information in the library and through different search engines.
– Student feedback, Neurological physiotherapy education

We launched a three-step paid partnership model for companies and communities. A bit surprisingly, cooperation agreements with companies became very popular in a short period of time. Another interesting speciality is TAMK’s laboratory services with their different measurement and testing services. The services have their established customers and highly professional testers.

I started applying the learnt immediately. I also had answers and solutions for my projects during the education.
– Student feedback, Continuing education for infrastructure construction managers

Education provision keeps up with the times

Provision of specialisation programmes was diverse as usual. Despite the coronavirus situation, the number of applicants remained good.

TAMK showed initiative in designing specialisation programmes for the field of culture. As a new opening, we applied for the Visual Effects Artist for Audiovisual Productions (VFX) programme from the Ministry of Education and Culture. The programme responds to the growing demand for film and game professionals in the Tampere Region and Finland. Companies of the field participated actively in the application process, which is an excellent starting point for implementation of the education. Our objective is to start the programme in 2022.

In my opinion, I had a good overview of the field as a whole and especially the location manager’s work. I learnt more of myself and what type of work suits me.
– Student feedback, Continuing education for location managers

TAMK also participated in preparation of another specialisation programme in the field of culture. Planning of the specialisation programme in AV management and production will begin in cooperation with other universities of applied sciences in 2022.

We developed our open UAS provision to respond to the working life competence needs. We for example created new paths for updating competence and completing degrees. We increased our cooperation with upper secondary institutions by creating path studies for vocational upper secondary institutions and studies for general upper secondary schools. We raised the number of degree students selected based on open UAS studies. To ease the shortage of social and health care professionals, we offer non-stop path studies which enable registered nurses to upgrade their college-level training to a bachelor’s degree.

Text: Carita Prokki, Director, Business Operations and Internationalisation & Lea Yli-Koivisto, Head of Continuous Learning
Editing: TAMK’s Communications and Marketing Services
Photos: Saara Lehtonen

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