RDI Statistics

total project portfolio

RDI is emphasised in TAMK’s strategy and promoted in a target-oriented manner. The RDI project portfolio value continued to rise by 20% to almost €20.4 million at the turn of 2020-2021.

In spring 2022, we have about 120 ongoing projects. TAMK’s RDI is mainly applied research in cooperation with companies, higher education institutions, research institutes and the public sector. The largest RDI financiers are the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF). RDI projects are often implemented together with regional SMEs. The target fields in 2021 were diverse: social and health care, cleaning, facility maintenance, restaurant field, educational institutions, creative fields, textile field, tourism, construction, manufacturing industry, programming, technology, performance art and infrastructure.

Person-years used for RDI

person years RDI
Source: TAMK’s staff register and staff’s working time plans

In 2021, 15% of our full-time staff’s person-years (111 PYs) were used for research, development and innovation (RDI). The number of person-years used for RDI decreased by 12% compared to 2020 but it was still higher than in earlier years.

Number of publications

Source: Vipunen

The new incentive system of 2020 especially motivated TAMK staff to publish blog articles. The number of publications raised into a new record, 824 publications. The number of publications doubled in two years.

TAMK’s impact is generated through education and stakeholder cooperation. In addition to higher education, universities of applied sciences practise applied research, development and innovation as well as artistic activities to promote regional development and regenerate the regional economic structure. TAMK has a strong impact in the Tampere Region but also nationally and internationally.

Almost 80% of career monitoring survey respondents see TAMK as impactful in the Tampere Region and 70% consider that TAMK is an active cooperation partner.