Number of bachelor’s degree students

The number of bachelor’s degree students grew by around 300 students a year during the past two years. In 2021, TAMK had 9,426 bachelor’s degree students.
Number of master’s degree students

The number of master’s degree students grew by almost 100 students a year during the past two years. In 2021, TAMK had 972 master’s degree students.
Number of professional teacher education students
Professional teacher education students graduate as teachers, special needs teachers and guidance counsellors. In 2021, the number of students was 525.
Development of graduate numbers
Number of bachelor’s degree graduates

The number of bachelor’s degree graduates fell below 1,600 in 2021. In the past two years, the number of graduates was approximately 1,750.
Number of master’s degree graduates

The number of master’s degree graduates has grown annually. In 2021, the number of graduates was 336.
Number of professional teacher education graduates

Approximately 240 persons complete professional teacher education annually. Majority of them complete professional teacher education and around 20 guidance counsellor or special needs teacher education.