E-mail (during office hours): sportuni@tuni.fi
Hervanta campus
Tamppi Areena
Korkeakoulunkatu 12
33720 Tampere
Customer service, downstairs
Sports Coordinator Carita Suuronen
Courses and break exercise
E-mail: carita.suuronen@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 40 627 9551 (also Signal) during office hours
Customer service, Sport Coordinator and Hall supervisors
E-mail: sportuni.hervanta@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 4478508 during customer service opening hours
Sport office, upstairs
Sport Centre Manager Markku Tamminen
Reservation of sports facilities, electronic services, sport clubs
E-mail: markku.tamminen@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 4478505 (also Signal) during office hours
Kauppi campus
Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, L-building
Tekunkatu 5
33520 Tampere
Customer service
Sports Coordinator Lotta Leijo
Sport Events
E-mail: lotta.leijo@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 304 3845 (also Signal) during office hours
Customer service, Sport Coordinator and Hall supervisors
E-mail: sportuni.kauppi@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 40 669 1101 during customer service opening hours
Sport Office
Sport Centre Manager Helena Collin
Commucations and marketing
E-mail: helena.collin@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 4391 750 (also Signal) during office hours
City Centre campus
Tampere University, Atalpa 227
Ratapihankatu 55
33100 Tampere
Customer Service Atalpa
Sports Coordinator Janette Savumaa
Sport Consultation
E-mail: janette.savumaa@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 4702737 (also Signal) during office hours
Customer service, Sport Coordinator and Hall supervisors
E-mail: sportuni.keskusta@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 40 673 3880 during customer service opening hours
Sport Office
Sport Centre Manager Sini Niskala
Instructed sport services
E-mail: sini.niskala@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 3446 059 (also Signal) during office hours
Head of Sport Services
Head of Sport Services Kirsi Mänty
E-mail: kirsi.manty@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 421 1065 (also Signal) during office hours
Tampere University, Atalpa 228
Kalevantie 4
33100 Tampere
Students on the move
Project coordinator Anna Karppinen
E-mail: anna.karppinen@tuni.fi
Phone: +358 50 571 5819 (also Signal) during office hours
Tampere University, Atalpa 226
Kalevantie 4
33100 Tampere
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