Persons in SportUni reception.

In this page you find answers to frequently asked questions

Q: What is the difference between SportUni group exercise classes and courses? 

A: SportUni group exercise classes are drop-in fitness classes, that you can join as often as you like. There is very wide selection of different kind of classes, like dancing, spinning, pump, pilates, yoga etc. The schedule, additional information and the registration takes place in Selection calendar. 

SportUni courses are an introduction to some specific sports and include a certain number of meetings. Because a course is always an entity, we recommend you take part in all the meetings if possible. Courses are open for SportUni members and to join a course, you need to pay a course fee. For courses you enroll during a specific enrollment period, usually in the beginning and in the middle of the semester. More information about courses and the course list.   

Q: Are there group exercise classes or courses delivered in English? Can I join a class delivered in Finnish? 

A: Yes, some of the gx classes and courses are delivered in English or in Finnish and English. You see the language in a class/course description. Especially in group exercise, you can of course join a class that is delivered in Finnish, but then you just need to follow instructor’s or other attendees’ body language. 

Q: Can I arrive and leave the sports activities in SportUni Centre any time or is there a schedule? 

A: If you go to the gym, you can arrive and leave according to your own schedule within the SportUni Centre opening hours.  

If you go to a group exercise or to a course class, you need to be precise, so please arrive at the SportUni Centre early enough, to be ready to start the practice at the exact time. A group exercise or a course class is always a pre-planned entity, so it is appropriate to join the class from the beginning to the end. It’s not possible to join the class after it has started. Arriving late creates a safety risk, especially in classes where equipment is used and disturbs the concentration of the instructor and other participants. 

If you have booked a badminton court or go to an open/regular ball game slot, the booking is made for a certain time, so we recommend you follow the starting and ending time. 

Q: What kind of clothing/shoes do I need to join a class, to visit gym or to play a ball game? 

A: We recommend you wear clothes that are convenient to move and sweat. You need indoor sneakers (shoes that you don’t use outdoors) to join the activities in SportUni Centre. Depending on the sports you are doing, you can also exercise with socks or barefoot. 

Q: How can I pay the course fee if I don’t have Finnish bank account?  

A: You can pay the course fee at any SportUni Centre customer service desk with credit card or cash. 

Q: I would like to play football/basketball/rugby etc. How can I find a team?

A: SportUni has weekly ball gaming times in schedule for futsal, basketball etc. Sign up for the times is not needed. Just show up and start playing! You see the schedule at Selection calendar (Ball games > blue slots). If you are interested in joining more organized sport club activities, please check out our 30 different Sport clubs. Sport Clubs | SportUni | Tampere Universities 

Q: I would like to do some dancing/workout on my own, where can I do it?

A: We have excellent group exercise rooms in SportUni Centres that you can book for personal use at Selection Calendar (Others > orange slots).

Q: Do you have a swimming pool?

A: Unfortunately, we don’t have a swimming pool. But there are several swimming pools maintained by the city of Tampere (and other cities in Tampere region) open for everyone for a reasonable price. Swimming pools and outdoor swimming pool | www.tampere.fi 

Q: Do you have tennis/padel courts? Where can I play?

A: Unfortunately, we don’t have any tennis or padel courts. But there are many indoor and outdoor courts in Tampere region, the easiest way to find them is to google tennis tampere or padel tampere.  

Q: Do you have an ice rink? Do you rent skates?

A: SportUni doesn’t have an ice rink but there are many (depending on weather conditions) outdoor ice rinks open for everyone in Tampere. You find the locations on City of Tampere website 

SportUni also has an ice hockey slot in Hervanta ice hall. Find out more. 

Unfortunately, we don’t have any skates to rent, but check this Equipment rental in Tampere Region – the best tips for your stay in Tampere, Finland – Visit Tampere 

Q: Do you rent skis? Where can I go skiing? 

A: Yes, we rent cross country skis in SportUni Kauppi and the city of Tampere offers a wide network of maintained ski tracks. Among others, there are illuminated tracks at the Kauppi Sports Park behind TAMK. 

Q: Where can I go downhill skiing? 

A: The biggest ski centers are in northern part of Finland, but there is still nice variety of small and medium-sized ski centers in Tampere neighborhoods. Mustavuori is a small ski center in western Tampere. Ellivuori, Sappee and Himos are ski resorts located around 50-100 km from Tampere.