A walking tour
A walking tour led by an instructor, for example, in the beautiful terrains of Kauppi sports park or Suolijärvi in Hervanta. Guided warm-up and/or final exercise according to wishes. For a longer trip, it is possible to combine sausage roasting on the campfire.
Place: Hervanta, Kauppi, City Centre
Recommended length of the class: 60-180 minutes
Max. 20 persons
Nordic Walking
A nordic walking class, where the technique of nordic walking is first briefly reviewed and then a brisk walk led by an instructor. Hill training can be included, for example. Poles for 15 people are included in the price.
Place: Hervanta, Kauppi, City Centre
Recommended length of the class: 60-90 minutes
Max. 15 persons
Skiing for beginners or technique training
Skiing instruction for beginners or technique instruction for those who can already stand upright. A limited number of loan equipment are available.
Place: Kauppi
Recommended length of the class: 90 minutes
Max. 10 persons