Outdoor Gym Program 3: Lower body workout

General instructions:

- Do a quick 5-10 minute warm-up on your own before the workout.
- Do each exercise for 3 sets, 15-20 reps per set.
- Take a 30 - 60 s break between sets.
- Remember to do a cool down after the workout.

Squat + ball throw

Hold the ball to your chest and squat down. As you push yourself back up to a standing position, throw the ball with same movement up towards the wall. Catch the ball and return to starting position. Keep your hips and back in a neutral position and remember to keep your knees and toes in the same line.

3 x 15


Squat down and grab the barbell with your hands about shoulder-width apart, keep your back straight and your hips in a neutral position and make sure that your knees and toes are in the same line. Bring the barbell up by first straightening your legs and lastly your back until you’re in a standing position. Return down with control. Try to keep the barbell close to your body.

3 x 15

Single Leg Deadlift

Grab the barbell with your hands shoulder-width apart. Standing on one led, lean your upper body forward and let your other leg extend back. Return to the starting position. Keep your hips and back in the neutral position.

3 x 15/leg


Take a step forward with the barbell on your back. Drop your knee down towards the ground and press back up. Make sure that you’re front knee stays in line with your toes.

3 x 15/leg

Pistol squat

Hold on to the rack for support. Squat down on one leg and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise controlled. Try to avoid supporting too much of your weight with your hands.

3 x 15/leg

One legged box squat

Stand on the box. Stand on one foot and squat down until your foot touches the ground or until you can’t maintain good form anymore. Press back up to the starting position. Keep your hips and back in a neutral position and check that your knee and toe are in the same line.

3 x 15/leg